Anonymous ID: 5bc159 Sept. 15, 2018, 6:48 p.m. No.3039799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9810 >>9882

I've always retained Q's earliest drops re: Mueller.

I continue to believe Mueller and Rosenstien were CHOSEN because they know where the bodies are buried and by keeping them in their key roles, it makes the Deep State feel protected. Also, we know Manafort was a plant. Mueller going after him is all about duping the left. I'm starting to see almost ALL of this is about keeping the clowns in the dark. How do you cage a dangerous animal?

The whole Mueller probe targeting POTUS doesn't make any sense. Why would Mueller indict 13 Russians when we all know it would come to nothing due to jurisdiction? Why would Mueller subpoena POTUS' team for documents when POTUS has already been cooperating with Mueller 110%(UNLIKE THE CLINTONS) and have handed over more than 1.4 million documents to Mueller.

As far as Rosenstien signing off on FISA, remember congressman Gaetz grilling Rosenstien on Capitol Hill where we learned Rosenstien testified and revealed he didn't even read the FISA, just signed off(rode the tide) because he "trusted" the ethics of his colleague who passed it along to him for signing. I believe Rosenstien, playing his role, signed off to push it further into the light. Rosenstien's role keeps the enemy feeling protected. Remember Q asked us would Rosenstien still be there is something wasn't being done behind the scenes to POTUS' liking?

Think, POTUS moved the embassy to Jerusalem despite and waves of threats and criticism on the WORLD STAGE. He pulled out of the Iran deal despite threats both foreign and domestic. Two huge moves on the WORLD STAGE, ENTIRE COUNTRIES INVOLVED. Do you really believe POTUS would be concerned about political backlash from a bunch of leftist lunatics, who already swamp him every second of every day no matter what he does, if he were to fire Rosenstien and/or Mueller?

Anonymous ID: 5bc159 Sept. 15, 2018, 7:02 p.m. No.3039949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0010


Also remember when Q told us those cheering at SOTU were FREED!

It's completely possible Mueller and Rosenstien WERE dirty because of blackmail, not given any choice but to comply with Cabal orders. Or they like many others were nothing more than pawns in a bigger picture than they were aware of. Pretty sure Mueller and Rosenstien weren't wittingly involved in the worst shit like child sex Trafficking, Satanism, etc. Maybe it's shit like that that flipped them to our side for good and they WANT to help bring those most evil down once and for all.