Anonymous ID: bda427 Sept. 15, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.3039430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9502 >>9507 >>9544 >>9585 >>9623 >>9698 >>9757 >>9916


Ohio billionaire and longtime Republican donor Les Wexner says he is officially done with the party, and was prompted to leave after former President Barack Obama visited the state.


Wexner, the CEO of retail conglomerate L Brands, which owns Victoria’s Secret and Bath & Body Works, announced at a leadership summit in Columbus on Thursday that he “won’t support this nonsense in the Republican Party” anymore, The Columbus Dispatch reported.


The announcement, made at a panel discussion, came the same day Obama visited Columbus before heading to a rally in Cleveland to support Democrat Richard Cordray’s run for governor.


“I was struck by the genuineness of the man; his candor, humility and empathy for others,” Wexner said of Obama.


Wexner said he’s been telling lawmakers that he is now an independent.


“I just decided I’m no longer a Republican,” he said.


Last year, following a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Wexner condemned the racists in a speech to his employees. He said Trump’s tepid response to the violence ― in which a white supremacist killed counterprotester Heather Heyer ― made him feel “dirty” and “ashamed,” the Dispatch reported.


In a speech in Illinois earlier this month, Obama also called out Trump’s lukewarm response to the violence, in which the current president said there were “very fine people” on both sides.


“How hard is it to say Nazis are bad?” Obama said.


Wexner has long donated to Republican causes, including cutting a check to Jeb Bush for $500,000 in 2015 during Bush’s presidential run. The billionaire philanthropist has also donated $2.8 million to With Honor, a super PAC that endorses both Republican and Democratic candidates.


During the panel discussion Thursday, former Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman praised Wexner for standing up to his former party, the Dispatch reported.


“If you don’t think things are right, open your mouth,” Wexner responded.


This article originally appeared on HuffPost.



Two more companies to boycott, no problem.

Anonymous ID: bda427 Sept. 15, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.3039623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9716 >>9941 >>0035 >>0045



Though Epstein must register as a sex offender for life, and arguably suffer the world’s most revolting Google presence, he has seemingly retained his collection of elite academic and media friends as well as his fortune. Since his release in 2009, Epstein has gone about his business, running a mysterious money management firm (clients unknown, income unknown, investments and activities unknown) from his private 70-acre island in the U.S. Virgin Islands and spending time at his Uptown stone mansion. The palace was gifted to Epstein, some say, by its previous owner—Epstein’s guardian angel and the founder of The Limited Inc., Leslie Wexner.



Anonymous ID: bda427 Sept. 15, 2018, 6:42 p.m. No.3039716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9941 >>0035 >>0045



Epstein had been Wexner’s personal investment manager and was made a trustee of two Wexner foundations. The New Albany billionaire bought and remodeled a multimillion-dollar New York City mansion for Epstein.


Speaking of Wexner, an L Brands spokesman told Dispatch Reporter Tim Feran the company “has nothing to share regarding how Les views the election.” But the man who held at 2008 fundraiser for John McCain has not yet donated to Trump.