Anonymous ID: f8414b Sept. 15, 2018, 6:24 p.m. No.3039444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9468 >>9524

>>3039225 (lb)

this anon gets it. pic related.

>>3039314 (lb)

>>3039248 (lb)


all is one.

as in WWG1WGA



all points in uni/multiverse connect.

so…(you) are also Killary Clinton. In a different Life/body/mind/time/space. Be grateful you can make the choices you can.


cuz it (this) is literally about every choice (you) make in Every Single Moment.


all information/meaning all is LIGHT (photons)

Darkness is only a shadow.

I appreciate it for helping to form my choices in light.




Anonymous ID: f8414b Sept. 15, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.3039608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9645

awwww I love that huggin feeling!

but yeah, not everybody is into it- but its true thats all a part of the diversity and different levels/stages that makes this whole thing tick.. funny at first I wrote (think) instead of thing.


the first hermetic principle is: All is Mind.




if all info is light, i just making my mind more bright by diggin and learning


i am in this moment now, then this one, then the next one and so on. my mind is fluid, like water, like bruce lee.


>trust yourself


The slave and the master are one.