Anonymous ID: f1f22d Sept. 15, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.3040300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0329 >>0343 >>0360 >>0386

I am 32 years old was in 9th grade when 911 happened got sent home and watched the towers fall over and over and thought to my self how could this happen we are America this dont happen here and over the years I've watched my home my country that i love disappear i lost hope was never in to politics untill a man named ron paul came on the sene he got me started i loved what he had to say then he lost they stole it from him he wasnt part of the club an out sider who said too much i thought its over america is gone they will never let someone who dont believe like them to be prez just look at jfk they wouldnt let that happen again so i stayed on the side lines and as i got older and searching for truth i came across aj he got me started love him or hate him he put me on this road to questioning everything when it came to government but still i didnt think things would get better then trump came along and i loved him followed everything to do with him a no nonsense type of guy my kind of guy but i still thought they will never alow him to be prez they will do everything in there power to stop him so i chose to do what i know and prayed in conjunction with the thousands of other people and he won never would i have thought it was possible but it happened God heard our prayers and you know what i think he said he said this country that was founded in my name and has done so much good for the world is not going out like this moral of this story for all the doubters out there is its not over till its over my hat is off to POTUS and Q for doing what they say there going to do and never backing down this is america someone comes looking for a fight no beter place to find one we are a fightimg country thats how we became a country we said no to there authoritarian rule and as long as im still breathing and i hope and pray your all with me on this this country ant going down with out a fight

Anonymous ID: f1f22d Sept. 15, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.3040507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0624 >>0818 >>0868



Really out of all that you got grammer problems you do relize we are in a fight to the death over this country but oh i didn't use proper grammer excuse me you wanna degrade and belittle people that wanna help you what i guess you think youe so smart you can do all this your self get a lofe and look around you need people like me i might not be good with grammer but who cares more important things in life than grammer like saving our country you twat

Anonymous ID: f1f22d Sept. 15, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.3040924   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Its no wonder people dont like to come on here they act just like the clintons and all the other scum that think there better than everyone else