Anonymous ID: fde0cf Sept. 15, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.3040771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0849 >>0860

Who are they?

Q refers to they


A). Human cult from certain bloodline which drink human blood to prevent aging, have infiltrated all aspects of society to remain in power


B). Draco aliens who have come here in search of food. Advanced beings who feed off our emotional energy. We are prey, their food sources


C) annunaki alien race who genetically engineered us from native hominids. We were specifically engineered as a slave race to mine gold. They are the gods that ancient Sumerians wrote about. The annunaki are divided into factions, some value humanity some don’t. They have infiltrated our society to remain in power.


D). The cabal are humans possessed by demonic entities described in the Christian bible. There are no aliens just spiritual war. They worship dieties which give them physical power in exchange for evil acts like sacrifice


E). A combination of the above

F). Other


We really need to understand who our enemy is. The water has been muddied..maybe on purpose

I think we are dealing with E. Q has been trying to tell us, but can’t reveal for immediate label as conspiracy. (My opinion)


This is the ultimate question

And the answer to this question will help us understand why it’s so important we Need to stay together— it will help us understand who we are—- how our enemy uses us, feeds off us,..manipulates us, controls us…and how to defeat them. We truly do have the power to defeat our enemy ourselves