Anonymous ID: 27bafa Sept. 15, 2018, 9 p.m. No.3041350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Native American Tribes File Lawsuit Seeking To Invalidate Keystone XL Pipeline Permit


In a new bid to stop the Keystone XL pipeline, two Native American communities are suing the Trump administration, saying it failed to adhere to historical treaty boundaries and circumvented environmental impact analysis. As a result, they are asking a federal judge in Montana to rescind the 2017 permit and block any further construction or use of the controversial pipeline.


… As NPR's Jeff Brady and Jason Slotkin reported, "The oil industry and some labor unions have supported the pipeline, largely for the thousands of construction jobs it would provide. But those jobs are temporary. The State Department has estimated that once built, the pipeline will employ about 35 people."


National Historic Preservation Act of 1966