Anonymous ID: ae9c04 Sept. 15, 2018, 8:43 p.m. No.3041188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1199 >>1215

Here is something I think we can now connect to our submarine the Richard Russell.

BTW the original footage I remember seeing was from a news helicopter looking west into the sun. That video is not available.

here is best available now.

Now earlier in the day a cruise ship calls distress. Engine is completely out..dead in water. Many passengers on local tv complained of dizzyness, nausea as well several passengers saying electronics/phones fried. These passengers were all located in the stern area. The passenger accounts are not from this source. That is personal and friends.


These two incidents happened on the same day…within 12 hours of each other.


Disabled cruise-ship….suspicious launch about 100 nau miles to the north . Recall the cover story was that this plume was a Phoenix-Hon regular flight…NFW.


The Richard Russell getting some practice in on the same day?


Bonus round….Ship is IDENTICAL to the Costa Concordia.

What was on that boat?? That was only hours out of Rome when it "ran aground".

Anonymous ID: ae9c04 Sept. 15, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.3041671   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fukushima Report.


48 pages. Lots of GREAT technical info here.

Short summary:

Israel planted 5 warheads in the Japanese Trench-SE of Sendai after it became public they would enrich uranium for Iran. Dimona 12 gang implants Stuxnet into reactors posing as a company installing security cams on contract. Devices were disguised as stand alone security cams.

The actual devices are absolutely scary as shit. I have seen one of these it Milan in 2009.

Israel waits for a natural quake to occur and can then set off it's device causing the actual tsunami.

There were three different quakes all around mid 6 or so. Japan most seismically connected country EVER. That data is scrubbed and replaced with USGS data that 'revises it' over time to 9.0.


Absolutely ZERO quake damage to buildings on the scale a 9.0 would cause. See Kobe quake. Tokyo would have been leveled IMO or damn close.


Butcher Bibi calls Abe and tells him to submit to the dark side i.e. turn the printing presses back on or we have more to come. Before the week is out Abe-san is forced to bend to the Rockefeller's "request" to make massive payments to the BIS*


*This is where my source differs on the reason this was done. There was a MASSIVE transfer of over $5t needed by the BIS for the next round of pumping and Japan was next on the merry-go-round. Abe blinked and as the Banksters were already threatening them it was easy to just help him make that decision.