Anonymous ID: c3c3e3 Sept. 15, 2018, 8:30 p.m. No.3041051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1069 >>1096 >>1120 >>1165 >>1490 >>1557 >>1577

I hope anons realize that we are literally standing on the precipice of the single greatest military counteroffensive to ever be mounted in the history of humanity.

This is bigger than D-Day, boys. Much, much bigger.

I think we can all sense that the long-awaited storm is finally on the horizon, the one we’ve all been waiting for to come and wash away, once and for all, this unspeakable evil that’s been plaguing the human race for so long.

For centuries, we have been under relentless attack.

We’ve been used, abused, lied to, manipulated, oppressed, poisoned and killed off by the billions, all for the benefit of this despicable enemy.

But the dawn is finally, finally approaching after our long, dark night.

All around the country, nay the world, I know our unflinching and heroic military men and women, along with all of our international partners in this global fight for human freedom, are at this moment preparing for the final assault on the most sinister, the most corrupt, and the most powerful control system the world has ever known.

We lucky chosen few have been called to stand witness over the last several months to the numerous secret battles which have weakened and demoralized the enemy, and put them on the run.

Now, on the eve of our last great push, in this true and final calm before the storm, I hope we will all take just a moment to reflect on how far we have come, the immense gravity of what is about to happen, the bright and hitherto unimagined future that awaits us, and the tremendous debt we will owe to all the Patriots who will have made this glorious dream possible.

POTUS, Q team, anons, and all the brave men and women who have planned, fought, bled and died for this great cause, I stand with you, and I salute you.

Do it, Q. Do it for us all.