Anonymous ID: d444a7 Sept. 15, 2018, 8:24 p.m. No.3040988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1150



^^^ David Seaman, Tis B u??


I'm more curious why they kept saying +flysorosfly+ ... and then the gate keepers said "cuz hes mocking Linda Rothschild " .. and when Linda kept posting +flyeaglesfly+ the gate keepers said "shes a huge eagles fan.." but on SuperBowl day.. LR never posted +flyeaglesfly+ nor any posts related to Foosball days b4 or after. so, that was BS but these gatekeepers.


also, they posted 3 booms a day or 2 b4 the bombs went off in Texas. They posted defcon 1 b4 the missile was launched from the h20... sometimes I wondered if Q was the one orchestrating all of this.


if they knew there was going to be bombs why wouldn't they alert the public? if a storm is coming, ppl r told. just like those fear porn terrorists alerts yellow/red/blah... they could have put those out to the public.


and the same gatekeepers are trying to tell everyone here that the observatory closure and now the post office in NM, was planned. "the public knew, no biggie" ... what a pile of shit.


when ppl post "they never thought she would lose" <- that's bullshit. SOMEONE KNEW. the satanic Simpsons aired him winning on season 11 esp 17 in 2001.


u cud have just acknowledged it & moved on... & said something like, yah potus was a part of that crew but he broke free (like he said himself in a speech) instead of lying & trying to cover it up...


u dumb fuks. I research everything not just Q drops. I'm not suck in this bubble or any other. I'm not a fukn sheep that blindly follows forced-fed topics to dig into. And I'm not controlled nor manipulated by memes or minimized/marginalized by labels.


be careful what u wish for. u created hive that is designated for "waking the public" and have weaponized it by giving it a platform. just like viruses & malware, what u create can & does escape. You cant control all of our minds. When we find inconsistencies & out right lying - bells & alarms go off.


what is the end game? one world gov for Kissinger?


I understand that minions need to b taken out 1st & to many Americans this is winning. But I know these fuks r just ponds. Yes, to us they were leaders or had authoritative roles but they are & have always been taken down, by the powers to be, when their purpose ran its course.


I also know the best way to demoralize A group is to make them think they r winning & then turn on them. Because many ppl think u r our last hope - BUT I TELL U NOW, ALL OF U... WE, the ones who r sick of all this shit: tyranny and demoralization of Humanity, ARE The REAL POWER.


I dont know why u guys lie about certain things and marginalize others and I am riding on Hope that this is going in the direction of saving Humanity (& I do appreciate what is happening) ... BUT I do know that if this goes south, The PEOPLE (WE) Have the Power to KEEP ON FIGHTING. I will never give up nor give in & I'd rather die on my feet than to serve on my knees. I will always question your motives & everyone elses.


by their fruits, you shall know them