Anonymous ID: da16ec Sept. 15, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.3041196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1331 >>1409

>>3040885 (pb)

I got an ergonomic mouse which I hold on my stomach or sometimes leg. I move it around. That avoids carpal tunnel for me. I almost developed it.

>>3040919 (pb)

>>3040891 (pb)

>>3040749 (pb)

>>3039950 (pb)

This is a slide right now.

I have vids to show but would rather stay private for now.

Post - Storm I could do more on this

Maybe the videos will all surface too. And be collected together once again for research and study. Then the work can easily be done. There are filmographies and lists from collections for the complete set; was removed over ten years ago from YT.

there are still archives certainly.

Some vids were slipped out of archives, though

>>3039950 (pb)

If you haven't interviewed people downtown at length and really studied witnesses - your resolution of the two seemingly contradictory data elements [physically impossible depiction on TV and claims of supposed eye witnesses] won't be correct.

Everyone assumes the witness factor.

And the perps feel very safe because of that one aspect.


There's no evidence of any hologram./ except that was supposedly what the witnesses saw.

But unless you actually talk and examine witnesses for that or you won't realize how hard it is to find one.

How much more simpler for them just to have no plane?

"Why They didn't Use Planes' Gerard Holmgren

There is much solid evidence of CGI

There's a mega shill out there [I block his name] with a "computer simulation" program who claims the trajectories of the different "planes" from various "evidences" all match.

The originals have been taken down from YouTube. We studied them all back in the day.

Trajectories don't match. You have to see for yourself and believe your own eyes.

The computer simulation is garbage in / garbage out; Very fancy and supposedly authoritative, but very wrong.

I think autists will be able to see the trajectory problems with their own eyes.

I originally came to the conclusion the trajectories didn't match from an astronomer's Forum where they examined pairs of still shots from the videos.

Anyway, the autists will really help establish it, since many autists can see the frame rates, etc., that other people [normies] can't see, even if it's pointed out to them.

Hologram is a dead end. That's why they push it.

Also it takes the CNN and other Media off the hook.

That's why they fight CGI so hard.

This isn't the vid I was looking for but it's a good one, if I remember right.

Use your own discretion, as always.

Once you get to CGI vs Hologram issue you've really got insider games, that no one else understands.

Some of the best researchers just can't wrap their mind around the fact that the "witness" issue was a sophisticated con. That's the power of the Media suggestion.

None of them tried to find witnesses in person to examine really what happened. They just take accounts from documents.

As we know from recent crisis acting - people are paid to lie. Also, innocently, They see the explosion and since they were told it was caused by a plane, they believe they saw the plane.

And of course they believe they saw the plane since they saw it on TV.

Everyone saw it on TV.