Anonymous ID: a7cb69 Sept. 15, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.3042262   🗄️.is đź”—kun

First Post-War Art Festival Kicks Off in Syrian Province of Latakia


JABLEH (Syria)(Sputnik) - The first major post-war art festival in the Syrian province of Latakia has been opened with antiquities exhibition and a theatrical performance in the best-preserved Roman amphitheater in the city of Jableh.


In antiquity, Jableh served as an important city of the Roman Empire. The city's amphitheater, accommodating up to 8,000 spectators, was constructed about two thousand years ago and was chosen as a venue for the first full-fledged post-war art festival in Latakia.


The antiquities exhibition displaying silverware, crockery, daggers exists side by side with an exhibition of oil paintings.


The first exhibition day ended with a theatrical performance in the amphitheater, with the play having told the story of the Syrian people.


According to the festival's organizers, the festival will continue until the weather gets cold and will be succeeded by other plays, exhibitions and other cultural events.


The Syrian government forces have recently regained control over vast territories once controlled by terrorists. The authorities are currently engaged in rebuilding Syria and creating conditions for peaceful life in the country.

Anonymous ID: a7cb69 Sept. 15, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.3042368   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2376 >>2445 >>2461

Claim: Former Obama Officials Advising Europe to Evade Iran Sanctions


Richard Goldberg, the Republican political operative who helped coordinate opposition to the Iran deal on Capitol Hill, claimed Saturday evening that former Obama administration officials were trying to devise ways to help Europe evade sanctions on Iran.


Goldberg was reacting to former Secretary of State John Kerry’s admission last week that he had been meeting with Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif in an effort to persuade Iran to stick with the now-defunct Iran nuclear deal, which President Donald Trump withdrew from in May.


Though Kerry’s successor, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, blasted his freelance diplomacy as “beyond inappropriate,” and others have suggested he had violated the Logan Act — the same archaic legislation once used as a pretext to spy on incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — Kerry’s allies from the Obama administration rallied to his defense.


In response, Goldberg tweeted that he had heard from his sources in Europe that Obama alumni were advising European governments about how to evade new U.S. sanctions against Iran:


The new sanctions, which go into full effect in November, effectively force European banking institutions to choose between doing business with Iran and doing business with the U.S.


It is not clear which officials Goldberg was referring to, but Kerry has been openly working to salvage the nuclear deal — the signature foreign policy achievement of the Obama administration — and to oppose the Trump administration’s policy toward the regime, even as Iran faces new political and economic pressures that could force it back to the negotiating table.


Earlier in 2018, Kerry was reported to have met with Iranian officials to work together on stopping President Trump from withdrawing from the nuclear deal.


In 2016, while still in office, Kerry encouraged European banks to do business with Iran, ostensibly to shore up the Iran deal.


In the past few months — and especially since the appointment of Richard Grenell as U.S. ambassador to Germany — several European companies have pulled out of Iran.

Anonymous ID: a7cb69 Sept. 15, 2018, 10:56 p.m. No.3042448   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2485

Imagine being so absolutely comped and about to face justice followed by execution that you think posting all caps red text insults at a bunch of battle hardened warriors of God and thinking that will make a shit of difference!