Anonymous ID: aad1f2 Sept. 15, 2018, 9:58 p.m. No.3041937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Message from Sierra Leone’s newly appointed Central Bank Governor

22 August 2018


… Let me boldly state here for the record that the current speculative attack on the Leone by those who unconscionably ran our country and economy into the ground will not stand for long. However, just as no army has ever won a war without ammunition,

no central banker can successfully defend a currency against the sort of speculative attack to which the Leone

has been

subjected during the past four months

without international reserves.

It is therefore absolutely critical that those who made the Bank’s vault their personal vault be forced to cough up every penny they stole from the people of Sierra Leone.


Are they being threatened by the World Bank and IMF? 500 Million Dollars stolen?