Anonymous ID: dbff3f Sept. 15, 2018, 9:39 p.m. No.3041736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1785 >>2413

"They never thought she would lose…"


Mabye I'm being done but the way I look at it HRC's desire to win had less to do with politics than with economics. Let's look at a possible sequence:


  1. Clinton Foundation was acting as the intermediary for child trafficking for the purpose of producing adrenochrome and child blood.

  2. They had charitable access to every major government in the world. They could enrich those politicians in those countries who had children "for sale", for example Haiti after the earthquake.

  3. They had senior access to every major government in the world for blackmail purposes (think Ireland, Australia, UK, Germany). Did David Cameron really want to help 5Eyes spy on Trump (probably not, but Tony Blair probably likes young boys).

  4. They had senior access to every major government in the world who assumed she would be president. ("you can make a contribution to the fund now. If you don't then when (not if) I'm president I will bring the full force of the US government to find ways to fuck you up as a country and you as an individual."


CF was able to broker the trafficking of children totally protected by governments that wanted their unfettered access to the top level of the US government not to be disturbed. Make a donation .. get your adrenochrome.


The Iran deal got Obama involved as a participant which thoroughly tied him in with the evilness. She used the US government to help repay some of her European friends who had contributed previously to the Clinton foundation. Kind of a preview of what they might expect when she became president. It was pure marketing genius. In doing this she hoped to get them to invest more money and give her more cover so that the foundation could keep trafficking kids, blood and adrenochrome to the elite but particularly Hollywood and the media–two groups the elite positively need to keep the masses in the dark and sheeplike. The Hollywood elite, junkie on adrenochrome. The Clinton foundation was nothing more than the pusher.


That's why dark films are made and sell so well aside from touching on a curiosity with evil. Vampires, satanists–it's all to make it all seem ok to normies. And in the end the Clinton Foundation is making money and growing stronger.