Anonymous ID: f2e90a Sept. 15, 2018, 11:12 p.m. No.3042566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2574 >>2632 >>2673 >>3094 >>3130 >>3141 >>3165


Q team. Diagnosed with cancer in the last three weeks. Feel good but part of me is shit. No heath insurance since Hussein, $500 per month before, then $1500, so I dropped it. 3 Kids, wife, good life. Worked my ass off, architecture. Lost everything in 2008-2009 crash. Everything! Came back and made it again, but now cancer. I'm done, but I'm ready to give my life! I'm ready to lose it all, especially for my family, I want this bullshit to end and my family's future to mean SOMETHING! I've been in the background hoping for the best, now I want on the front line. Votes, shares, thumbs up, social media….fuck me. Yeah, I'm sure it helps, but I'm ready to cash a check. Ready to live before I die. Ready to take down the scum that has ruined our Nation, our future, our hope. These pieces of shit tromp on us everyday with their bullshit lies and deception…and I smile, and pay my TAXES. I'm strong, I'm willing, I'm ready. I'm pumped up and ready to fight, no matter what the cost. I may not be the trained soldier, but my determination is unstoppable, especially for my family. The time to start is now. My dream is to let go, let the rains of hell to crash upon them, and I will be that rain. If the deep state is to go down, they must be decimated to the point of no return. And if my job is to trip them by a shoelace to see their head smashed upon the rock, so be it. If my job is to slay 10,000 by the stone, so be it. If I'm to die to by one man against many, so be it. I will fight, I will win and they will die. If the Q movement to unite, then lets unite. Let's meet in every City as one. Let's take no prisoners, no traitors, no sedition. Cleanse the blood that has spilled in every wrong under the name of these GREAT United States of America and Under GOD. No longer are we slaves, no longer are we pawns, no longer are we surfs to the deepstate, Illuminati, cabal. WE, then people are in control. WE are one, but we must unite, we must talk, we must see, we must move against with tyrannical control. The power needs to shift back to the people. Who volunteers for the protection of the people, the Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, us…..who needs to be in control…US! Who's ready to fight? US, me! The Storm needs to be US. This is the message of Trump and Q team. So, I'm ready, at the ballot box, soap box, city counsel, but most of all at the ammo box. These traitors want a fight, I'm ready, weapon or not. I don't have time to wait. But I have time to aim and fire. The bullet of our righteousness will ring true. Less than 10% was part of our revolution, and less than that can restore our republic. Our time is now, it is our last chance. God has given us this opportunity, deserved or not. God wins by the blade of a sword, mighty LION God protect us, God deliver us, and do not let my death be in vain. Let's fight! HOOHA!