Anonymous ID: 7abc2a Sept. 16, 2018, 2:41 a.m. No.3043527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3552 >>3640



About the Jame's O'Keefe video:


Do you guys remember way back when, people thought "the storm" or something similar was going to hit wayyy back when and then John McCain seemingly stopped it when he voted No on "Skinny Repeal" at like 3 in the morning.


Well O'Keefe hyped up some videos, the only one that ended up coming out was some dork who said "Comey's like a godfather to me"? He was at the NY Times I believe. It was kinda a nothing burger, but if you remember at the time, it was believed whatever O'Keefe was dropping was VERY, VERY big. The word "Covfefe" was even initially just Trump's clumsiness with words, forgetting what James O'Keefe's last name was. But it was important enough that it turned into a meme among the top brass in the admin.


I believe many of these videos were the one's that were scheduled to be released back then, but because of McCain and some other things, THE STORM was delayed. This was before Q even, before Saudi Arabia even. So perhaps it was back when it was still believed the Justice System could handle the first big chunk of THE STORM on it's own.


Or maybe it was just a head fake because they knew whatever move the Deep State would make. This was when the MegaAnon and Mueller whitehat theory were big.


But yeah, whatever O'Keefe has, it's BIG.

Anonymous ID: 7abc2a Sept. 16, 2018, 2:52 a.m. No.3043576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3587 >>3608



The "all dept is usury" people are in the same category as the unlimited-free-energy-flat-earth-were-in-the-matrix-you-can-think-your-way-to-time-travel-astral-plane faggots.


there's nothing inherently wrong with expecting a return investment for a loan. Otherwise no one would loan their money. No amount of sophistry is going to change that, regardless of how corrupt (((the educational system))) may be.


Nothing wrong with fractional reserve banking nor even central banks. It's (((THE INDIVIDUALS))) who run them that is the problem.


They don't look like the will relinquish the Fed willingly. That is the only reason Trump team has planned a contingency for doing away with it. It will not be a good thing if it comes to that, for either side, so he believes when push comes to shove they will play ball. But this way they know that we mean business.

Anonymous ID: 7abc2a Sept. 16, 2018, 3:43 a.m. No.3043734   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What do you mean, there's like a million of 'em. Just type "youtube to downloader" or "youtube converter" They even have "youtube to mp3" so you can download long stuff and turn it into a podcast etc.