Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.3043312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3321 >>3337 >>3442


Here baker

Is cb, from lb (in case no BO/BV to czech)

Confirming Handoff?


>>3043290 lb

Yeah, we need more bakers to cover this time. Otherwise it overworks the mods.

You don't come by /ourBO/'s too often.

We need to have his back.

Anons, please consider learning to bake and being available to cover the wee hours at times

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.3043327   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Am very happy I could do it. Distressed me I was so sick on my last week of full bakering.

TY for your hard work as well, baker.

Sleep well

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 1:44 a.m. No.3043364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3385


Oh hey man, thought I saw BV on earlier. How ya doin'? I'm feeling human again but a bit behind on habbenings. Catching up now over "breakfast" kek. I can prolly go 5+ hrs so feel free to tap out whenever you need to.

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 2:11 a.m. No.3043434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3472


>Stressful week for us all during Reddit>Voat>8ch migration

How could it not be. The "culture war' here went hot, kek. But Anons did good holding the line.

>We're always pulling through though.

No shit. All the behind the scenes stuff you guys do to keep us on an even keel, even thru the latest 'storm'… Impressive rly. And appreciated.

So a big thank you! to you mods & CM, from all of us.

>I am a bit sleepy, I'll see how long I can last tonight.

Just call it a night and get some rest while you can, man. I'm good. Doubt highly boss will post to QRgen in the next few hours, don't think he ever has.



>where there's a will, there's a way

Yup. We patriots are stubborn muthahfuckahs that way. Ty for being part of it.

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 2:51 a.m. No.3043575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3758

>>3039528 pb (prev. notable)

re: biological attack

Guys, plz don't be worried on the bioterror front. I worked on one of these projects, and I can tell you our Mil has "antibiotic" type treatments for even weaponized strains of bioterror crap. Meaning, they can cure stuff after the fact (not a vaccine you need beforehand). The plan was to stockpile them just in case needed, and so (((they))) know we have them. Any shit they try to pull will only be on a limitied/temporary scale and our Mil will mobilize. But given all the other FF shit we've been preventing lately, cabal prolly won't be able to get even a limited/temporary attack past them. Just exercise basic precautions v. crime/illness, and get your emergency preparedness plan together in the event services are temporarily unavailable. Beyond that, know you are safe.



>We're lucky to have a solid community.

Damn straight.

see pic–made me very happy to see

>good things to say about you

Relieved to hear that. I take a hard line on stuff, as you know. Resulting 'drama' not always popular kek. But I do it for overton-window purposes, to keep the outer edge as close to where we need to be as possible, given that the opposite edge is always pressing too. (i.e. countermeasures.)

>Migraines gone now?

Mostly yeah. God I hate those fucking things.

I rly think it might have been the GMO "non-GMO" popcorn kek (thanks Anon for posting that!). I'll just have to celebrate popcorn moments w/you guys from now on with a bag of potato chips kek.

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 3:31 a.m. No.3043687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3789

>>3043578, >>>>3043366

Ty for looking out, Anon.

I'd discovered same while vetting (pic related)


Anons, please provide URL sauce to twatted stories. The twat itself isn't sauce

Bakers' job is to be the second line of defense in vetting, but we don't always have time, especially when Q's posting. It's why we need you Anons to help out with it.


Plz sauce your own posts, or anything you call out as NOTABLE. But also, do as Anon did here by checking out one another's seemingly big news posts by following up on the sauce. This is what makes our work so powerful: we don't stop digging until we find verifiable truths. Only this practice will prevent the cabal from lying to you. That's what it means to be awake, right?

Thanks guys!!

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:07 a.m. No.3043794   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This could actually be the topic of a graduate level thesis.

Agreed. And when they drain the swamps of our Academic Institutions, it no doubt will be. Can't wait to read 'em.


>>3043396, >>3043522

Well hot damn. Berrrrry excited bout dis!!!

Ty for these, Anons.

>>3043439, >>3043455

Lemme know what you think of baker's title when I post notes update soon–tried to squeeze all that in



Very appreciative of your comment and support, Anon. Ty.

>Don't always agree with it, but have learned to adapt to it.

I feel you on this, actually. Learned over time thru maaannny missteps kek.

>Curation is a very delicate underrated art, and it's encouraging to know that there are those practicing it here that have given the matter considerate thought.

Likewise. Ty.

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:23 a.m. No.3043831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3856 >>3880 >>3921

Basket of deNotables

Still doing deeper look at 2nd half of bread, just wanna put these up so you can comment on 'em if need be



>>3043725, >>3043782 EU attempting to thwart Iran Sanctions, per NP's "wait it out?"

>>3043593, >>3043601, >>3043612, >>3043682 Moar on Bio-Weapons (DARPA crossed line?)

>>3043524, >>3043683 On the Qclock: Trump@war/Patriot Day

>>3043429, >>3043619 Moar on history textbooks' "missing chapters" & (((Apollo Global)))

>>3043396, >>3043522 James O'Keefe: "DS Unmasked" vid next week, b4 Gen Flynn speech

>>3043659, >>3043365 Russian-speaking Anon points us to JFK library's translations

>>3043479, >>3043459, >>3043508 Gen Flynn, Patrick Henry, & "The Great Awakening"

>>3043352 8/31 art: OIG Audit Results That You Never Knew Occurred

>>3043345 Secretive LLCs obscure Ukrainian foreign influence operation funding



Good morning Sword Fren. Grateful to you.



Under total paywall, Anon. Can you give us some caps mebbe?



I agree it's notable, just wanted to make sure it wasn't a repeat. But I don't remember seeing it.

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:50 a.m. No.3043884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3893 >>3896 >>3981 >>3982


Not sure OP's intent, but I'll try:

The "lynch mob" is the fiction-based demonization of a ppl making a hard stand against the loosening of their cultural standards by the (((lawyer class)))

The girl is the David Hogg appeal: the "what about the children?" appeal, the "but muh division" appeal, that is used to lower idealist/logical arguments to the lowest common denominator of personal/emotional manipulation. It says: "this child thinks you are mean for causing all this drama, wouldn't you rather this child think fondly of you? All you have to do is lay down your arms and accept the changes we demand, and the disapproval/shaming will stop."

Humans are tribe-based, acceptance-based, approval-based beings bc we depend on each other. It's a form of terrorism to threaten excommunication–traditionally, it would mean likely death.

This is why Q tells us to "stay together" again and again. We don't have to fear being the lone outcast if we're a tribe of outcasts.

And that's why (((8chan))) makes them shit their pants with fear. A culture based on shared values of independent thought and courage to go it alone immunizes/protects us against the most powerful weapon they have.


>>3043467, >>3043528

Can you sauce these, Anons? Would like to note them.



Ty anon. It's a little outside the scope of QR for this baker's editorial style, but let's see whether other Anons' take note and nominate.

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:56 a.m. No.3043896   🗄️.is 🔗kun


oops–dunno why I put 8chan in

Jew parentheses, lol.

Sorry bout that guys!



Yup. This. (You guys always say things more succinctly than I can. I've said b4, no one teaches the art of brevity like you Anons)

Ty for seeing my meaning despite the misuse of the ((())).

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 5:16 a.m. No.3043955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4010 >>4023


Yeah, I think we already covered that Anon.



>Got a feelin' we Cali's are going to wake up one morn with streets full of armed Mil.

Godspeed, Cali bro. I'm a native, many generations back, a horseman, grandparents honky tonk singers like me. Ppl think Cali is all libshits, but there's a huge population of Old West frontiersmen out there, which is why Reagan was a product of it. We were a red state until his misguided amnesty. I eventually had to turn tail and run, just didn't have enough support left (family had all gone). Was too fucking dangerous given my line of work. But it breaks my heart to this day. I miss the Mountains and Coastal redwoods most–the places of nature's majesty I visited every summer as a kid that made me believe in things beautiful enough to die for.

We're supposed to care about these gibs-seeking "refugees" invading our lands while the actual ppl being dispossessed of everything we built get no mention much less sympathy/support/redress. I will cry Hooah until I puke when Cali fuckery begins to be addressed by our based Mil riding in to support you hardliners that have stayed on, holding the line.

Ty for that.

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 5:31 a.m. No.3044010   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Perfect. ty anon.



"native" as in Cali native, not Indian.

I'm full Euro kek, in the typical multi-Euro mix that has become the American phenotype.



>That's the bit. The obvious "confused/dumb" shill begging for attention.

Yup. The problem is everyone likes to be the guy with the answer, which is why it's an effective bait. GUYS: DON'T FALL FOR SHILL TRICKS. EATS BREAD, MAKES MOAR WORK FOR BAKERS, GIVES THE FOOLS SHEKELS. ty.

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 5:36 a.m. No.3044024   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sometimes I get to work via Tor if not Firefox, but it's not secure, you'll get pop-up ads etc. if you don't have protection against. (And it's in German kek).

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 5:42 a.m. No.3044050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4062 >>4063


>>3043923 Moar on the alleged defiler of graves at Tufts Law: Maia Brown-Jackson

>>3043725, >>3043782, >>3043921 EU trying to thward Iran Sanctions = NP's "wait it out?"

>>3043593, >>3043601, >>3043612, >>3043682 Moar on Bio-Weapons (DARPA crossed line?)

>>3043524, >>3043683 On the Qclock: Trump@war/Patriot Day

>>3043429, >>3043619 Moar on history textbooks' "missing chapters" & (((Apollo Global)))

>>3043396, >>3043522 James O'Keefe: "DS Unmasked" vid next week, per speech b4 Gen Flynn's

>>3043659, >>3043365 Russian-speaking Anon points us to JFK library's translations

>>3043479, >>3043459, >>3043508 Gen Flynn, Patrick Henry, & "The Great Awakening"

>>3043352 8/31 art: OIG Audit Results That You Never Knew Occurred

>>3043345 Secretive LLCs obscure Ukrainian foreign influence operation funding


Bread speed just picked way up. If I missed stuff, nominate w/summary quiz plz. Otherwise lemme know next bread. ty!

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 5:47 a.m. No.3044072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>3043810 Lisa Page OpEd: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion b4 Mueller appt

>>3043923 Moar on the alleged defiler of graves at Tufts Law: Maia Brown-Jackson

>>3043725, >>3043782, >>3043921 EU trying to thward Iran Sanctions = NP's "wait it out?"

>>3043593, >>3043601, >>3043612, >>3043682 Moar on Bio-Weapons (DARPA crossed line?)

>>3043524, >>3043683 On the Qclock: Trump@war/Patriot Day

>>3043429, >>3043619 Moar on history textbooks' "missing chapters" & (((Apollo Global)))

>>3043396, >>3043522 James O'Keefe: "DS Unmasked" vid next week, per speech b4 Gen Flynn's

>>3043659, >>3043365 Russian-speaking Anon points us to JFK library's translations

>>3043479, >>3043459, >>3043508 Gen Flynn, Patrick Henry, & "The Great Awakening"

>>3043352 8/31 art: OIG Audit Results That You Never Knew Occurred

>>3043345 Secretive LLCs obscure Ukrainian foreign influence operation funding

Anonymous ID: 7f0569 Sept. 16, 2018, 5:53 a.m. No.3044105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fresh Bread Bowl




Fresh Bread Bowl



ty anon.

If I take too much time to proof everything, I can't keep up w/bread. But then dumb mistakes happen. Out of the baking loop last couple days, so I fell back into my night crew Anon convo mode too. Ah well, it's all good. I'ma miss you guys. Was my last night on–feeling nostalgic.