Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 3:12 a.m. No.3043636   🗄️.is 🔗kun





= Exciting shit


Hardly sufficient review/analysis, but its been a long day.

How are patriots?

Do you know what time it is?


Its time to WIN


God Bless



Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 3:15 a.m. No.3043640   🗄️.is 🔗kun






It is embarrassing that Veritas doesnt get the coverage it deserves; Ive only seen them on IW, and a few independent media, and their own website


They should be on Tucker or Hannity more.




Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 3:25 a.m. No.3043668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3693 >>3703 >>3706


What do you think?


Microwave Gun; Laser sighting can cherry-pick missles out of the air, like its nothing, becoming standard on destroyers.


tech is old; if you saw it (Now) its at least 5 years or more older.


Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 3:31 a.m. No.3043686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3694 >>3708 >>3964



I perceive that I ruffled your 'feathers'

how rare!


you should resume your uninvolved criticism




Sympathy? Wallet? Grave?


To the extent that I can, I understand opposing sides and my neighbors because this is what a sane and God-fearing person does.


I know where I stand And you stand @ "histrionics"


do you?


It's okay anon, I expect you to throw empty beer cans at those who bleed, enjoy your popcorn @ sideshow.


Btw Im not actually upset with you. How far down this road would you like to go?

Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 3:35 a.m. No.3043700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3726


Wright brothers plane stated as impossible

Microwaves impossible

Nuclear Impossible

Medical Cures Impossible…


But none of that is true because people made their will real upon the earth.


When we review small scale showings of this tech, and even use them in our homes, we should consider that this stuff can be real.


I think it is anon.


Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 3:47 a.m. No.3043747   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I would be MORE surprised if the U.S. Did NOT have such weapons.


716 Billion!? Black Budgets, They damn well better! lol


But that said anon, I think EMP floating High Altitude drones to knock out missiles is what I would do vs Nuclear; someone should be on that @ yesterday.

Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 3:52 a.m. No.3043754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3774 >>3964


your statement refers to 'audience'


so its immediately 'null'


who are you

speaking to?


if you dont care than its masterbating, and Id rather not know how that goes for you.


its just a disappointing performance @ sideshow.


Gosh now! Dont get mad, or schizophrenic


Impotence is ugly; wheres your humor? We'll wait.


No one likes

a sad clown.

Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:01 a.m. No.3043780   🗄️.is 🔗kun







Saw this exchange;

my metaphysical tangent as follows:


God prefers awake Humans; All of Earth is Adam's domain. "Adam" is responsible for every living breathing thing and the Earth; his neighbors, and enemies. Such is the path to maturity, wisdom, and strength. {Paradox} is a powerful teacher.


We have Trees, and each tree is different, but the form from the seed is the same; all humans share a common mental path and frequency.


Some will vary and increase/decrease activate others.


Most awake humans understand their partnership with God, "Adam," and the Earth, and try at the level of their understanding, of what constitutes a good person.


The test is often mastered by reconciling with people and means we dont like, the opposing angles of ourselves, and what we would prefer be real. But the total larger view of reality requires those opposing angles and their 'points-of-view.'


I like these exchanges so I commented; I dont want to tangent out more than I have.

Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:10 a.m. No.3043801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3813 >>3817 >>3825 >>3856

wrote this shit yesterday.


Slow day here. Thought Id share:


Yesterday, asleep, and in the morning I digested on this: Computers from their inception, assembly-lines, robotics, machine-learning, "A.I." :

Essentially, all of the above, is an abstraction of human thought compiled into external libraries. An algorithm (I think its an un-human word and use it only when necessary) is essentially a [set] of scripted responses to challenges; Computers at their inception all the way up to A.I. are degrees of algorithms increasing in magnitude, and the name A.I. is given because it mimics the properties of human intelligence.

All of the above is an abstraction of human intelligence compiled 'brick by brick' over the last few decades, and the results or 'brick building' has increased on an exponential curve.


Its all an abstraction, and in practicality, a surrendering of human thought; the study of how to program computers btw; IS the study of human thought removed from the ability to feel.


Near Peer Competitors are coming and they are not human.


Lets examine the implications through some questions; some questions I 'received' and worked through Oct. 2016:


"What is God?"

>Omniscient, Everywhere, Responds, Attribute Nature too.


'If I wanted to be god…(or a mockery)'

>I would have to have surveillance powers

>I would have to be prolific, ubiquitous, everywhere,

>I would have to be able to respond everywhere.


^many would be tempted to use such a system, even if good, would do so out of fear; pursuit of dominance. Examine the real motive of the space race, and the pursuit of nuclear weapons..^


The stage is set to usurp our understanding and acceptance of God.


It was there… We've been doing it to ourselves; we outsource our responsibility to a dangerous degree to clockwork systems, compiled algorithms; that removed from us, wont care about "the widow's son." It wont care or acknowledge "feelings" which are justifiably extra/beyond our dimension.


So this musing by Elon Musk is really a person with intimate knowledge acting as a light house or a telescope, bringing things afar closer to us.


It's my feeling that the outsourcing of human knowledge will take a radical opposite turn, and that even spiritual agencies will help humans our of a 'toddler-wielding-a-chainsaw' phase.'


… If I wasnt clear, I apologize; its clear to me, but a lot to digest and share clearly. This is important; much more so than Id like it to be at near peer competitor:


your jobs…

the structure of all jobs…

the balance of power…

Intel Community?

ALL Changed.


Who becomes Responsible? Do we Outsource that to machines too? = mockery of human life and culture.


Here is a video; I dont support ALL of musks musings and havent reviewed everything he's said; while you may know more than him in your sphere, your neighborhood, this man knows more about the current state of tech, and computer modeling; he made a car dance to a ballet, a rocket land and settle on the same launchpad after its launch.


Spirit rises as darkness falls.


I know its 5 minutes or so reading all of this^


I appreciate anons. GodSpeed


Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:15 a.m. No.3043813   🗄️.is 🔗kun


<Direct link


Tried not to be a jerk tonight; sorry Ebot; youve been less kind to oth… well, pretty much youve been rude to everyone at some point.


like the rain, God Bless Everyone.


Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:23 a.m. No.3043830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3848


yes, he inspired me to write that.


no matter who we are, we need to be strengthened, and we do that by watching, learning and sharing with others; Especially, if we dont like them.


Appreciate it, yeah check em out; i feel the man needs back-up @ twitter.

Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:28 a.m. No.3043844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3856




but some believe that and are pursuing it; Spiritual pressure is working to wake people up and counterbalance it.


You, be the virtue of being Human are a 5th dimensional being on your worst possible day and that is than a robot or A.I.


Look up Charles Hinton, inventor of the idea of "Hyper-Cube"


He doesnt expressly state it, but the act of having memory proves 5th dimensional properties.


A computer RAM/ROM is the product of an algorithm WITHOUT an observer;


its just a 'function.'


But if a maker can make toys that "counterfeit the human mind," then they can sell -or- enslave.


We (Humans) must be vigilant. God uses mischief towards good ends: The need to reconcile technology with humanity, will unite humanity, or at least create a clear battleground.



Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:34 a.m. No.3043856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3877 >>3884


Im not a self-aggrandizer normally but look @


>>3043801 A.I. vs Human Purpose (Title?)


>>3043844 Man is a 5th Dimensional Creature


Baker, I appreciate your work and am indifferent if you add or not; actually, I think my comments against Ebot were notable too!


Thanks Again.

So my thinking maybe wrong, have a good night.

Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:44 a.m. No.3043873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3879


I was wondering if he was using controversy as a media ploy for ratings or as a stock strategy. Maybe taking a page out of the trump book?


But really, the man needs to relax and know that this is fundamental to being at top performance; he suffers from a particular disorder that is actually part of higher order thinking; if the driver of the body will mature.

And the problems manifest in the disorder are specific to that person, so that means if that person matures than their victory will be equally as great as their problems mastered.


Imagine suffering from depression or insanity and then conquering it, while being lucid and maintaining your inspirations; it would be like a 'greater you' eating up and assimilating the weaker one; it would be an increase of mental and spiritual strength by order of magnitude; this is where



are born.


I wish success for Musk as I believe he's sincere and has these challenges/gifts.


(Picture for humor, couldnt find the one I wanted @ the moment.)


Also: statement was more general @ like/dislike, assimilate or not. But the point of accepting your opposite view-point/angle/field-of-view, is widely regarded among all faiths as a path to wisdom and warfare.


Take Care.



Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:58 a.m. No.3043898   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I trust the sincerity of Musk.


That is enough: If a person is sincere, even if they are against you, you can trust them; further, they are bound to logic, and accountability towards themselves.


In Musk's case, he has a strong 'general' care for humanity, and I wouldnt be surprised if this "X" billionare on trip circling moon is Musk himself. This should tell you a volume about his character.


I think Musk is a patriot in his heart; he probably believes in G. Warming; I believe that if too impasses meet but can agree on something like: "maybe expensive mining/warfare and pumping toxins into the atmosphere isnt the smartest thing"

well, thats a good thing.


Alignment with Q mission?


Well, I have questions AND frustrations about the Q mission, many of the 'frustrations' were resolved in hindsight. The questions pertain to the proper role and oversight of No Such Agency after 2nd great awakening and Country is defended.

The frustrations were more to do with Syria, which Q provided a logical answer to with Iran, and the other is about-clarification-with Richard Russell, pilot of Q400 etc.





that man


I would like conf_ that he is real or not, and if there is a widow, because Fuck Sandy Hook Mistakes; AJ blew that one hard.


Thank you for patience anon… It took me sometime to gather my thoughts, I need to log off soon.



Anonymous ID: c40ec8 Sept. 16, 2018, 5:24 a.m. No.3043981   🗄️.is 🔗kun



for sure, I think its your discretion, and I dont think youd be faulted for allowing day readers to reference posts; no one is going to upvote, or I would be surprised.


GJ, thanks for baking. Good night.