Anonymous ID: d5cdf0 Sept. 16, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.3043463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3753

The Dalai Lama speaks up against globalism and the Soros's fake migrant crises.


"Europe Belongs to Europeans’, Refugees Should Return and Rebuild Homelands."


The Plan will not conclude to everyone's satisfaction. In the aftermath of all this the refugees will have to go back. Some will not want to leave the free stuff and easily rapable white women and children. Its gonna be a HUGE problem pushing them off that continent yet again.


Europeans seriously need to get their act together and stop voting for fucking assholes like Merkel and Macron. They need to stop fucking up everything and then expecting somebody to come and save them from it. Three times is enough. Even the DalaiLama is calling out the bullshit…and he's not European.


If Europeans go back to Socialism and the multiculturalist bullshit after this then the whole continent deserves to be overrun completely destroyed. If you fucking hate yourself and the heritage that your parents fought hard to preserve for you then you don't deserve to fucking have it.

