Anonymous ID: e8a73b Sept. 16, 2018, 5:08 a.m. No.3043924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4025


I know this is not really Q related other than they want us divided.

Saw a lib friend on fagbook post the twitter link with ThisIsWhyTheyKneel…


This story doesn’t add up!

People don’t know facts before they start rambling off “info”


1) who comes home between classes to wash their dog? Especially if it’s a big dog, which is implied since he “was just in his underwear because it’s a messy job”

2) the cops would have checked the name on the home before going in. If he was a convicted felon his name would have been In Their system and they wouldn’t have gone there AND knocked if not needed.

3) especially a convicted felon that is “well versed in his rights” and has “done time” knows better than to slam a door in a cops face and say “fuck no”

4) he’s not within his right to own any gun because he is a convicted felon!


I could go on and on. Seems staged to stir up the cops war on blacks!