Anonymous ID: f06838 Sept. 16, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.3043490   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3498


Okay… I'm just going to come out and say it…

"The Mandela Effect" as everyone so cleverly puts it, is another psyop.., in case anyone is wondering…

I've looked into it personally… Here's some conclusions to reflect upon…


First :) "Mandela was reported dead…" Okay, let me remind everyone how Fake News likes to create Fake News… 2 possible conclusions that can be drawn, logically, without resorting to alternate dimensions and/or time travel reverberations… Either Mandela DID indeed die and was later replaced, like they did with Stephen Hawking.., Or Mandela was reported dead by Fake News who either needed a quick story or just printed w/o verifying, never admiting their mistake… BOTH are logically plausible scenarios…


Second ;) Is it possible that humans have bad memories because we are constantly bombarded by stupid crap all day?? Are we all exposed to basically the same stupid crap as a collective whole?? Do people tend to follow the pack?? Look, I'm not saying that you are a sheep if you believe in the Mandela Effect.., just don't get carried away..


Third, and I'll stop after this one… Yes, things get altered… Take the Ford Logo!! Companies change logos all the time!! It's not MAJOR NEWS.., so you may have missed these subtle changes.. It's okay, frens.. we are bombarded by info all the time and we can only take in so much… It's very important how we focus our energy.. if you're really wondering about stuff in movies, that is missing or altered, take a deep look at the various edits of your favorite films.. Sometimes whole lines are different, random things are out of place, and there will be many things "you don't remember"… This habbens…

Anonymous ID: f06838 Sept. 16, 2018, 3:39 a.m. No.3043718   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3728 >>4017


Yeah, I totally understand have very little understanding of reality… The point I was making is that we have been collectively bred to have these outrageous ideas in our heads, rather than taking a second to logically think about the situations facing us within the "now" and very real timeline of how we got f—ed over, mentally into submission… We can't possibly fathom how very real human beings took total control of everything in the world, so we come up with excuses that make the problem far too complicated for us to solve… I could divulge deeper into the religious aspects of this, but I'm tired and it seems pointless at this hour… Good luck, this moarning, frens..

Anonymous ID: f06838 Sept. 16, 2018, 4:05 a.m. No.3043789   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Thank you for taking the time to explain this!!

I think it's funny when people on twatter run away with just about anything they see posted on this board… It's a scary thought to see people using tweets to create a full circle cycle of misinformation… Keep up the good work, frens!! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!