Audibly kek'd.
It has to be really discouraging, for them, to watch all their attempts at deciphering and shilling fail, one after the other.
They try to make us hate each other.
They try to make us hate "Jews", but we've learned to decipher the imposters.
They push 'conspiracy' in the face of the facts.
They Advocate violence; anons don't take the bait.
They demean and belittle, we rise above.
They insert false evidences, we filter it with keen prudence.
Like Q has said, infiltration, subversion, and MOS mental gymnastics; all the tricks are at play, here, and anons are defeating those tricks due to free speech and information flowing in and out. At this point, you have to ask yourselves, which group is losing all semblance of credibility and sanity in the process of vying for control over progress? POTUS' twitter feed is filled with half patriots, and half (((them))), and in using that term, we know realize that every group of people has a (((them))) because they all serve the same "Master" regardless of their ethnicity or political affiliation.
This board is the most 'woke' place on the internet, and it's growing beyond their control. They are running scared, now, with nowhere else to go. The grip of justice in closing in on them, too.
>Trump's Reckless Hostility Unites China and Russia
>Written by Eric Margolis
Pay attention. The reason Ron Paul got in so much trouble before was that he sponsored newsletters that went out that has some racist undertones. Now, Dr. Paul didn't write these himself, and certainly he had a shit editor/review board. That alone, however, was enough to get him in the hot seat for allegedly being a racist.
Ron Paul was right about foreign affairs, but didn't have the right approach. Unless POTUS knows something about his we don't, I would have recommended him head the FED. The problem with that is, he has a "crazy uncle" vibe when it comes to monetary policy. People would've went nuts.