Following through on the start of a dig from a hidden-text helper.
That image of Maggie floating around with Brzezinski on the left likely has Mika from Morning Joe on the right. (Those who scream the loudest.)
Helper said to find the cia reading room. Did so. First document with Brzezinski?
Something from 1979 on how it should be perfectly ok to spy on average Americans.
Also, notice the Z in Brzezinski is similar to Stzrok. Brzezinski was born there. Stzrok in Michigan. I wonder if there's a connection between them.
This pdf from the reading room says Brzezinski was instrumental in getting John Paul II (who was polish) to the throne. B appears to have been a Carter fixer of some kind. Also Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg group. Is he in the bloodline?
QR search
returns 638 for Brzezinski. Some of those could be for Mika.
Remember when we did the dig on media and found out that both Mika and Erin Burnett have fathers on the CFR?
Also, B was National Securty Advisor for Carter around 1979-1981 when he left office.
Did Brzezinski mastermind the overthrow of the the Shah of Iran?
Lots in the CIA reading room anons if you want something to go with your coffee.