1.) These people have a 'Dark Money' bribery program underway in which they use fake charity organizations to conduit bribes and rigged government contracts back and forth to themselves.
These are the people (Mostly from New York and California) who are 'freaking out' because Trump is cutting off their corruption ('Draining the swamp…") and who are spending the most money and resources on Fusion GPS, Black Cube, Gawker/Gizmodo hit jobs and spying. These are not just people who disagree with Trump. They are actively meeting about, and spending tens of millions of dollars on espionage activities, riots and character assassinations in order to keep their payola schemes going.
These people appear to be criminals who have the protection of corrupted executives in charge of law enforcement and regulatory agencies. The top most active Deep State radicalized financiers and agitators are:
Amy Pascal; (Sony Pictures Obama funding liaison, traded CIA secrets for Zero Dark Thirty script)
Arnold Schwarzenegger; (CA governor, actor, arranged Russian mob financing and Russian mining deals)
Barack Obama; (Acted as front man for Silicon Valley payola deals through White House)
Bill Daley; (Obama's Chicago mobster staff boss, ran payola ops in White House for Obama)
Bill Lockyer; (California finance boss with a sex scandal that gave taxpayer cash to crooked Solyndra and Tesla)
Brian Goncher; (Deloitte finance Cleantech scammer head, put togther Obama Cleantech payola deals)
Daniel Cohen; (Dept of Energy Lawyer who helped fudge the DOE Slush-Fund into place with Steven Chu)
David Axelrod; (Obama White House media hit-man)
David Drummond; (Top Google lawyer who had a few scandals at his Quail Road Home in Woodside, CA while running political bribes for Google)
David Plouffe; (Obama White House boss who arranged Silicon Valley payola and revolving door deals)
David E. Shaw; (Known as the Snake Of Silence)
Dianne Feinstein; (Covert owner of Tesla, Solyndra and other conflict-of-interests. called "The Most Corrupt Senator In U.S. History")
Elon Musk; (Tech mobster bromance buddy of Larry Page at Google and Tim (crazy eyes) Draper, sex party partner with Steve Jurvetson and largest government Mooch in American history)
Eric Holder; (Obama's AG who ran all of the DOJ and FBI cover-ups of corruption for Obama)
Eric Schmidt; (Google boss with an "open marriage", a sex penthouse and a CIA office who loves to mess with governments around the world)
John Zaccarro, Jr.; (At top of GOP watch-list)
Frank Giustra; (Mining scheme financier of Hillary Clinton who suggested Russian deals)
Nick Denton; (Gay sex and media abuser who did nasty tabloids in Britain and USA as hired character assassination pro, ran media attacks as client for Podesta, Obama, DNC, Google and Elon Musk)
Harry Reid; (Dirty Senator who made crooked deals with Musk and Google, got punched in the eye for being a crook)
Haim Saban; (Overseas cash conduit to DNC)
Hillary and Bill Clinton; (Sex, dead bodies, Haitian prostitutes…can the world ever forget The Clinton's?)
Ira Ehrenpreis; (Silicon Valley frat boy bundler and DNC VC insider)
Andy Bechtolsheim; (Silicon Valley frat boy bundler and DNC VC insider)
Jay Carney; (Too many conflicts-of-interest to count, White House press boss, loved Russian tactics)
James Comey; (FBI Director who held off investigations on Obama's crimes)
Jared Cohen; (Google's Israeli agent in-house, playboy/spy/DNC operative; promoted coup attempts)
Jeffrey Katzenberg; (Hollywood Wensteiny DNC financier and pusher of politics into Hollywood films)
John Doerr; (Obama's Kleiner Perkins and Russian Connection VC sued for sex abuse and manipulation)
Harvey Weinstein; (Notorious Obama and Clinton financier and sexual predator)