Les Moonves removal at CBS was a victory for the Hollywood gay mafia - not MAGA.
Moonves was/is a Clinton shill but he was also a heterosexual.
The Hollywood gay mafia has purged straight white males, and over the last ten fifteen years you can see the demographic shift.
HBO is a prime example. They are losing viewers, their boxing division was once a huge cash cow. One out of five HBO viewers would pop for PPV boxing.
Since they started pumping out cult poison, beginning with "Normal" about your average married Joe who discovers he's depressed because he's a hateful patriarch and cuts off the organ of oppresion and wear a dress. "Normal" is the title of this film and it's a straight fucking psyop.
In the name of "diversity" the cultist have eliminated cultural diversity and created (((their))) own degenerate pedophile elitist monoculture.
The cult throws us a coulple of people they wanted to purge anyway - Weinstein and Mooves.
The pedovores remain entrenched and in total control of the "entertainment" industry.
There is no such thing as "entertainment." What goes into our minds becomes out world and they have been deliberatly introducing information with the goal of sabotaging consciousness, degrading cognitive capacity and more.
Pedovores will be delivered to justice. Every. Single. One.