I believe I finally understood what Q is trying to do here. I want to help the movement but I worry if my family is brave enough to not alianate me if I start telling them. I only care about them, not everyone else and I don't know if I should be subtle about my work here.
Pleased? I was pissed, not for waking up but for not seeing it earlier. The last wake-up almost blackpilled me. I considered giving up the fight all together but it goes against my character to do so. I would feel more brave if my family was secure from any DS attacks since I from eu, the DS's hotspot. I do feel like I am over-analyzing it and that my horoscope tells me to go for it but my instincts have fooled me before so it is hard for me to trust them.
in short, all I care about is my family and that is keeping me from actively helping the movement.
Is voat having a server problem or something?
So we know reddit fudged our numbers to make it seem we are not as big as we think. If reddit was doing that, how come we barely have 1k people online on voat's two most popular Q subs: v/TheAwakening and v/GreatAwakening?