Anonymous ID: 20c2f9 Sept. 16, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.3045597   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Chill out Howard. If you read anything and actually put some thought into it you would understand that q crumbs are made for marking the clock and that when the show starts [fisa release] the clock is used to reference important details about events that will be laid out in past tense form.


Think it's a hoax? Then why the fuck do you waste your precious time on this earth vehemently hating [the hoax]?


Hopefully you are getting paid to shill otherwise you are indeed the fool for wasting any effort here.


Otherwise you are just a numbskull petulant twerp who must have been hand fed since birth and never have had your ass whooped for acting fucking stupid by your keepers or there is no way that you would be acting as [unprecedently] fucking stupid as the likes of what we now [again unprecedently in the history of our nation] see broadcast to us on media doled out to represent "the majority" of Americans which, by now, has become very obvious as the shill of all shill tactics and exposed for the nontruths that they are.


Whenever, in the history of our great country, have tou seen so much asshattery displayed for the world to see?


To think that ANY MAN OR WOMAN is THAT influential to create such chaos is absurd. Not even DJT is that powerful.


He is us anons in a position to affect our lives the way we have all been talking amongst ourselves for the last 20 years. Righting the fucked up ship. No way he does it himself, the Patriots that went dark to purposely avoid eviction by his predecessors were already in position for the day Americans spoke with their votes, to say "Enough is enough."


The lies spread during the campaign almost worked. Thankfully most of us Americans pretty much idolized Trump as the American Dream long before he ever campaigned. And for that matter, he is the actual example. Try, fail, learn, try again.


If you know anything about him AT ALL, his desire to be liked and respected dictates his never ever screwing us or America over, he despises dislike.


Treat those as you would want to be treated yourself. He has always done so. Once (((they))) bite at him, he bites back.


That's what most of us do as well.


So be patient and shut up or simply get a life away from here because you are indeed wasting what limited time you actually have on this planet on a very illogical premise.


Good luck man. You seem to need it. And now I don't feel so bad off myself any more kek