Anonymous ID: 656d8a Sept. 16, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.3046871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3045911 pb


NUNES INTERVIEW on Sunday Morning Futures:


Investigation into FBI/DOJ - handling of DJT/Russia and HRC email investigations


Asked if NUNES will declas his interviews done, he said YES

>Walls are beginning to close in on corrupt officials of FBI and DOJ (many fired, on leave, demoted)

>We are seeing this collapse slowly, eventhough MSM is not reporting bc focused on fake russia collusion

>House intel committee led investigation and thinks their work (depositions of nearly 70 people, facts found, interviews, answers) needs to be made puclic for American people,

<Full trancparency is in order here, NUNES expects to make INFO PUBLICLY available from house intel com in the NEXT FEW WEEKS

>Some documents are held by committee (70 - 80%), some are classified.

>Director of Nat. Intel needs to declas, NUNES hopes it takes only days (and they don't play it slow to not have it before election)


>Info needed out in public before election bc there is so much misinfo/disinfo re russian 'collusion',

>that is why committee asked POTUS to declas many more documents, not only re BO, but also Carter Page FISA.

>NUNES thinks POTUS has no choice but to declas before midterms, if POTUS wants the American people to unterstand how unfair the investigation has been.

>Declas and full transparency is in the best interest of intel agencies

>A lot of people (10 - 20%) actually believe the russia collusion fake story and think POTUS might be under control by Putin, they even belive house republicans are controlled by Putin - "AND THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NUTS"  

>Strzok - Page texts re media leak strategy shows FBI would leak storys, plant them, then pick up and use those fake news, to interview amarican people.

>Carter Page FISA used not only HRC dirt, but also used planted fake news storys as bases for court. 

>Info needed before midterms

>Committee saw unprecedented level of coordinationn between HRC campaign, their associates like fusion gps and others, who had ties into FBI, other agencies and dep of state. They were able to generate fake news storys in dozends.


(min 5)