Delingpole: ‘Civil War Is Coming to Europe’ Warns German Politician
“Civil war is coming to Europe,” a German city politician told me this week.
I shan’t mention his name – it was an off-the-record briefing and, anyway, in Germany there are penalties for this kind of frankness.
But he was only repeating what plenty of other people say in private in Germany where I’ve spent the last couple of weeks, soaking up the atmosphere, people-watching, gauging the public mood in the wake of Angela Merkel’s open invitation to perhaps three million immigrants – most of them fighting-age males from Muslim countries.
Three million is higher than the figure admitted by the German authorities, which tend to put it closer to 1.5 million. My source tells me the higher number is closer to the mark.
I was staying in Frankfurt, not one of the places hardest hit by the immigration wave. Partly this is because its traditions as an “open city” date back centuries so, culturally it has always been better attuned to accepting and absorbing immigrants from all backgrounds. Partly it’s because, being Germany’s financial centre, it tends to attract the better educated sort of immigrant.
That doesn’t mean it has remained immune to the problem hardly anyone dares talk about except in private: hordes of Muslims, often with entirely different, indeed hostile, value systems who can’t or won’t integrate, and often just don’t want to integrate for reasons ranging from laziness to contempt and a jihadist desire to bring the West under submission to Islam.
You see some of them begging on the street, often young women pitiably clutching a picture of a child (which may or may not be theirs) while, a few yards back, a sullen looking male (perhaps a relative, perhaps acting as kind of pimp) lurks as her chaperone.
Mostly though they just hang in groups, in the shopping areas and squares and parks, smoking cigarettes, kicking their heels, or, if they’ve found some way of making a living, in the shisha bars and kebab houses which are cropping up all over the place.
The Germans – instinctively polite, kind and reluctant to rock the boat – affect not to notice. They’re welcoming and friendly to those immigrants who make the effort (the nice, hard-working Syrians who run the felafel store in Bergerstrasse, say), and would really rather bury their heads in the sand about the others and just pretend it’s not happening.
That’s why, even now, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) the main party of the resistance to Angela Merkel’s madcap Islamic enrichment experiment still only polls around 16 percent of the national vote.
Remember that next time you’re told that the “far-right” (as the media likes to misrepresent the AfD) is on the rise and rise. It may now be Germany’s second-biggest party. But this is all but meaningless in a nation which has long been ruled by rainbow coalitions. The other parties – Angela Merkel’s majority Christian Democrats and the SPD and the Greens, especially – will make sure that the AfD stays out of power by forming alliances of convenience.
So if you were pinning your hopes on the AfD rescuing Germany (and Europe) from the consequences of Merkel’s self-inflicted disaster – don’t. Things are going to get a lot lot worse before they get better.