Anonymous ID: 76a751 Sept. 16, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.3046498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6578 >>6769 >>6998 >>7153

White House, Huckabee Float Criminal Indictment for Kerry


White House insiders are pushing a criminal indictment for former Secretary of State John Kerry’s meddling in U.S. diplomacy and what began as quiet discussions are now gaining steam in the mainstream, insiders confirm.


Mike Huckabee reacted Sunday on “Fox & Friends” to former Secretary of State John Kerry for holding private meetings with Iranian officials.


As Fox News reported:


Former Secretary of State John Kerry is being slammed for conducting shadow diplomacy with Iran after admitting to multiple meetings with Iranian officials behind the backs of Trump administration officials — including over the scrapped nuclear deal.


An administration official on Thursday told Fox News Kerry’s meetings are “shameful,” pointing out what Iranian-backed militias are doing to kill and injure people in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.


Other Republicans suggested it may not even be legal.


Huckabee said Kerry could be suited for the first successful prosecution of the Logan Act of 1799, which prohibits conducting unauthorized diplomacy with governments in dispute with the United States.

Anonymous ID: 76a751 Sept. 16, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.3046504   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 76a751 Sept. 16, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.3046523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6586 >>6728 >>6753 >>6769 >>6793 >>6998 >>7153

China May Skip Trade Talks, Cripple US Supply Chains After New Trump Tariffs


When discussing yesterday's WSJ report that the Trump admin may slap the new, $200BN round of tariffs on Chinese imports as soon as tomorrow, we said that such an escalation would likely derail talks with top Chinese officials, currently scheduled in Washington for Sept. 27 and Sept. 28. Now, in a follow up report, the WSJ has confirmed that in light of the Trump's imminent announcement, China is considering declining Trump’s offer of trade talks later this month as Trump's "pressure tactics" aren’t "sitting well" with Beijing, which has repeatedly said it wouldn’t negotiate under threat.


"There is a lot of uncertainty right now,” a Chinese official told the WSJ. "If more tariffs come out, the Chinese side could very well choose not to go." That said, a final decision has not yet been made on the trips, and will depend on what Trump does in the coming days.


Underscoring China's growing anger toward Trump's negotiating tactics, Yang Weimin, a former senior economic adviser to President Xi Jinping, said on Sunday that "China never said it doesn’t want to negotiate with the U.S…. But the U.S. side has to show sincerity” toward resolving the trade dispute. Added a current senior official who advises the leadership on foreign-policy matters: "China is not going to negotiate with a gun pointed to its head."


While China's lack of desire to negotiate would hardly come as a surprise - after all there will be little to discuss if Trump does pull the trigger on even more tariffs - what may come as a shock to US businesses is how China plans to retaliate to the $200BN in new tariffs.


Yesterday, we noted that Beijing could prompt respond "qualitatively" by selectively targeting US companies which have a major presence in China, such as US auto makers or Apple. It now appears that China's escalation will be even more targeted, and that some Chinese officials involved in advising the leadership are proposing to step up the trade fight a notch by restricting China’s sales of materials, equipment and other parts key to U.S. manufacturers’ supply chain.


Furthermore, as discussed yesterday, these restrictions - which risk crippling production until replacement supplies are sourced, a process that would take an lengthy period of time in today's "just in time" procurement world, could even apply to Apple’s iPhones, which are assembled in mainland China, the WSJ cited officials as saying without elaborating.


China can adopt “export restraints” as a way to hit back at the U.S. in addition to retaliatory tariffs, former Finance Minister Lou Jiwei told a gathering of Chinese and American academics and business executives Sunday.


Which is not to say that China has given up hope. As we reported on Friday, China’s leaders continue to court U.S. businesses to get them to lobby against the Trump tariffs. On Sunday, representatives from American multinationals, along with academics and others from both China and the U.S., attended a special session of the China Development Forum at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, a complex of buildings on manicured grounds. The meeting, usually held in the spring, was convened to mark the 40th anniversary of the Communist government’s adoption of pro-market policies (which alas have yet to bear any real fruit).


At the same time, a group of Wall Street bankers were invited to a financial forum in a different guesthouse building and are scheduled to meet with Vice Premier Wang Qishan on Monday.

Anonymous ID: 76a751 Sept. 16, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.3046590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6750 >>6769 >>6998 >>7153

Sadiq Khan Claims Cops Preparing for ‘Civil Unrest’ After Brexit, Demands Second Vote


Sadiq Khan has spoken out to demand a second referendum on Brexit, as the London Mayor battles sinking poll numbers against the backdrop of a deadly crime wave in the capital.


Writing in the Observer, the globalist Labour figure said the public should be given a “fresh say on our future”, claiming that the only possible outcomes of leaving the EU are “a bad deal”, or “no-deal” Brexit.


“Both these scenarios are a million miles from what was promised during the referendum campaign, only further exposing the lies and mistruths sold to the public,” he claimed, contrary to the fact Remainer predictions during the campaign were based heavily on a scenario in which Britain would leave the Single Market.


“People didn’t vote to leave the EU to make themselves poorer, to watch their businesses suffer, to have NHS wards understaffed, to see the police preparing for civil unrest or for our national security to be put at risk if our cooperation with the EU in the fight against terrorism is weakened,” he said.


“So, after a lot of careful consideration, I’ve decided the people must get a final say,” writes Khan, urging the government to hold a vote “on any deal or a vote on a no-deal, alongside the option of staying in the EU”.


Appearing on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, where he was played a voice clip in which he argued against the prospect of a second poll, asserting it would fuel massive “cynicism” amongst voters, Khan argued another vote would not be “a re-run of the referendum” but the public having their say over the outcome of negotiations.


“Let me tell you the facts, which are that the police currently are preparing for the possibility of civil unrest. That’s happening now, already,” he insisted, going on to allege that London is already suffering as a result of plans to leave the EU.


Asked whether his call for a second vote is a “distraction” to avert attention from his “own record” as violent crime soars in the capital, Khan — whose poll ratings plummeted to just +4 this week from +22 in May — the London Mayor once again pointed only to “police cuts” and “cuts to youth services” as reasons for the deadly crime wave.

Anonymous ID: 76a751 Sept. 16, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.3046642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6688 >>6769 >>6998 >>7101 >>7153

Delingpole: ‘Civil War Is Coming to Europe’ Warns German Politician


“Civil war is coming to Europe,” a German city politician told me this week.


I shan’t mention his name – it was an off-the-record briefing and, anyway, in Germany there are penalties for this kind of frankness.


But he was only repeating what plenty of other people say in private in Germany where I’ve spent the last couple of weeks, soaking up the atmosphere, people-watching, gauging the public mood in the wake of Angela Merkel’s open invitation to perhaps three million immigrants – most of them fighting-age males from Muslim countries.


Three million is higher than the figure admitted by the German authorities, which tend to put it closer to 1.5 million. My source tells me the higher number is closer to the mark.


I was staying in Frankfurt, not one of the places hardest hit by the immigration wave. Partly this is because its traditions as an “open city” date back centuries so, culturally it has always been better attuned to accepting and absorbing immigrants from all backgrounds. Partly it’s because, being Germany’s financial centre, it tends to attract the better educated sort of immigrant.


That doesn’t mean it has remained immune to the problem hardly anyone dares talk about except in private: hordes of Muslims, often with entirely different, indeed hostile, value systems who can’t or won’t integrate, and often just don’t want to integrate for reasons ranging from laziness to contempt and a jihadist desire to bring the West under submission to Islam.


You see some of them begging on the street, often young women pitiably clutching a picture of a child (which may or may not be theirs) while, a few yards back, a sullen looking male (perhaps a relative, perhaps acting as kind of pimp) lurks as her chaperone.


Mostly though they just hang in groups, in the shopping areas and squares and parks, smoking cigarettes, kicking their heels, or, if they’ve found some way of making a living, in the shisha bars and kebab houses which are cropping up all over the place.


The Germans – instinctively polite, kind and reluctant to rock the boat – affect not to notice. They’re welcoming and friendly to those immigrants who make the effort (the nice, hard-working Syrians who run the felafel store in Bergerstrasse, say), and would really rather bury their heads in the sand about the others and just pretend it’s not happening.


That’s why, even now, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) the main party of the resistance to Angela Merkel’s madcap Islamic enrichment experiment still only polls around 16 percent of the national vote.


Remember that next time you’re told that the “far-right” (as the media likes to misrepresent the AfD) is on the rise and rise. It may now be Germany’s second-biggest party. But this is all but meaningless in a nation which has long been ruled by rainbow coalitions. The other parties – Angela Merkel’s majority Christian Democrats and the SPD and the Greens, especially – will make sure that the AfD stays out of power by forming alliances of convenience.


So if you were pinning your hopes on the AfD rescuing Germany (and Europe) from the consequences of Merkel’s self-inflicted disaster – don’t. Things are going to get a lot lot worse before they get better.

Anonymous ID: 76a751 Sept. 16, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.3046742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6769 >>6998 >>7153

China to ban online Christian content in exactly the same way Facebook and YouTube are banning Christian videos in America


The similarities between communist China and Silicon Valley are just too much to ignore. Now the Chinese government is cracking down on Christian and other religious content online, joining Facebook, Google and other American tech giants in an attack on free speech and religion.


The war on Christianity is reaching its apex: Left-wing tech companies censoring and banning users for daring to share Bible verses on their platforms here in the United States, and in China, things are even worse. Bible burning and forcing Christians to denounce their faith are the new “normal” in Communist China, where the only permissible “god” is Big Government.

The war on religion in China


The Chinese were reportedly granted the right to religious freedom by the Chinese constitution in 1982 — but in recent years, animosity from the government towards religion has been escalating. Under Chinese law, citizens can only practice their religion at government-approved congregations, though many turn to underground or home-bound practice spaces.


Activists say government officials are going to extremes by burning Bibles and closing churches. The newly mounted attack on religious freedom coincides with a power grab from President Xi Jinping. A recent fusion of powers has turned Xi into the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao Zedong, the infamous communist Chairmen behind millions of deaths.


As Fox News reports:


A Christian Pastor in the Henan city of Nanyang, whose name was not identified out of fear of retaliation by the authorities, reportedly confirmed that crosses, bibles and furniture were burned during a raid on his church on Sept. 5.


In addition to these attacks, the Chinese government is implementing tight restrictions on online content related to religion. Images and descriptions of religious activities will be largely prohibited, with exceptions for organizations that have obtained licenses from the government — and even then, what kinds of religious content they may share is restricted. As the Telegraph reports, “Individuals would be forbidden from posting photos, videos and even text related to religious activities, or sharing links related to preaching.”


The government regulates everything, including what religious leaders are allowed to say and who can attend their services.


Christians are not the only religious people subject to government scrutiny. Some one million Uighurs and other members of Muslim minority groups from China’s northwest provinces have been detained in “indoctrination camps.” Censorship and the promotion of communism is the name of the game in China.

Anonymous ID: 76a751 Sept. 16, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.3046779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6818 >>6846 >>7120

Texas Congressman Says He Owes It To The ‘Unborn’ To Impeach President Trump

Anonymous ID: 76a751 Sept. 16, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.3046839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More toxic to humans than high fructose corn syrup, this dirty little secret ingredient is COMMON in U.S. foods (and beverages)


Ever wonder why one third of all Americans get cancer at some point in their lifetime, even though hardly anyone got it a century ago? How about leukemia, do you think it’s hereditary? You would be dead wrong. A common ingredient in soft drinks and most jarred peppers and pickles causes leukemia, but no medical doctor in America has been authorized to talk about it, and most of them have no clue anyhow.


What’s the poison? It’s called sodium benzoate, and you’ll find it in popular paint stripper products, permanent spot removers, rubber cements, and lots of U.S. food products all approved by the FDA for human consumption.

Sodium benzoate was banned from the rubber making industry because many workers exposed to it developed leukemia and died


Sodium benzoate is made by mixing sodium hydroxide with benzoic acid, which gives it highly destructive, solvent qualities. In Europe, the media is screaming to ban this toxic “preservative” as it may be interfering with normal development of children. The U.S. mass media, of course, won’t utter a word about it. Scientists fear conducting research on sodium benzoate, as they might get “suicided” by Big Food and Big Pharma, as so many cancer researchers, holistic doctors, and vaccine researchers have encountered.


Sodium benzoate is a known carcinogen that deprives the human cells of oxygen, breaks down the immune system and causes blood cancer to develop. On product ingredient labels, you’ll see the phrases, “to preserve freshness” or “as a preservative.” That’s so you’ll feel safe and cozy when your brain ingests those happy slogans, but what your body is attempting to digest is a dangerous concoction that’s been synthesized in a laboratory using chemicals.

Anonymous ID: 76a751 Sept. 16, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.3046893   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A wave of 4 Israeli missiles were launched toward Damascus International Airport and were successfully intercepted by SyAAD; without any hits being recorded. This is according to a statement by the SAA.


A second larger wave followed targeting several locations including an Air Defense regiment and number of SAA points in an attempt to distract SyAAD batteries from the original target; all of which were foiled and intercepted successfully.


Two large explosions were heard, one near the ***th Regiment [censored for security reasons] and it was a failed SyAAD missile that detonated on the ground shortly after launch in an empty land just outside the Regiment’s main entrance; the second was near Damascus International Airport which was due due intercepting a low flying missile.


No targets were hit whatsoever, and no jets entered the Syrian Airspace; the initial reports of a possible jet shot down are inaccurate.