Anonymous ID: b3537f Sept. 19, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.3088124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8437

I was wondering if the following techniques would work, I don't have time or skill and I'm not American so I'm not sure if Memeing is interference? Anyway…


1) Make large words made up of smaller words. Use Dem0crat buzz words in the small words so that they pass the filters.


2) Cut the LETTER of your WORDS into random blocks using lines that change in size. Think of a slice through a letter that is bigger on one side than other. Off setting chunks will mess with pattern recognition.


3) Use dots to write your Words intermixed with lines and shapes. You're trying to deceive something following lines and building shapes from pre-scanned patterns.


4) Have headlines like VOTE BLUE WAVE on the top, followed by these word techniques below with your POWERFUL message. The idea is to have them PASS the filters with their probably CHOSEN key words.


These ideas are based off how an AI would be developed to interept Memes. They look for structure.


If you can mess with how the SHAPE of how your word are formed, you FORCE them to react to your variation. Reacting to your variation takes time and money and many of your messages will get through.


5) Use Wrods taht keep the lsat lteters the smae. (Least efficient)



Thanks for chatting.