Anonymous ID: 4a4380 Sept. 16, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.3048936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8965 >>8989 >>9643

NEWFAGS ATTENTION. You'll see people saying things like "Lurk and don't post for 3 months." Ignore this. You don't need to lurk any longer than necessary to figure out how things work here and develop a little etiquette and understanding of the board humor. As soon as you're ready to make useful posts, we could use your help with digging. Find your niche and dig in! See the attached images. Planefagging is really fun and a good way to put your eyes on the prize as a newer member.


Please don't respond to the posters that fag up every single thread with 40+ posts. There are a few highly active ones right now that post all day. Their goal is to slide the bread and every time you reply to them, you are doing their work for them. Understand that you CANNOT fix them or change their behavior or opinions, and they will not get banned for what they do–they are here to waste space in the bread with useless posts. Don't help them do this. Responding to shills and bots is the surest indication that you are a newfag that should not be posting yet.


One of the active shills posts in ALL RED CAPS, tries to make inflammatory posts hoping you'll respond to him, and will himself respond to just about every post he can. DO NOT REPLY TO HIS POSTS, YOU FUCKING NEWFAGS. Click the little arrow in the upper left hand corner of one of his posts and click on "Add Filter >ID". You won't see any of his posts visible until the next bread, but you'll still see posts responding to him, which might interest you for some reason. If you don't want to see the replies either, select ID+ instead.


The other one is our resident AI, EBot, whose username says something to the effect of "MaxResDefault." There is also a copycat poster that makes similar posts using a similar name, but who is not a bot. I filter both of them every bread, because while they are not always toxic, 90% of their posts are completely useless distractions that you'll quickly get annoyed wading through.


Remember–the number one way to piss off shills and faketriots is to not reply to their words. Only reply to posts that have some value to Q-related research and to which you have something valuable to add.


Lastly, thanks for coming. We are all Q. Your efforts can be just as important as anyone else's. Now get digging!

Anonymous ID: 4a4380 Sept. 16, 2018, 1:59 p.m. No.3049017   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If you'd like to help me out, screencap that post and repost it in other breads later today. I can't stay here all day long the way I'd like to. Maybe I'll volunteer for a late-night bake later today.