Anonymous ID: 553f1d Sept. 16, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.3049257   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One of the poster children of the NWO cabal is still Tony Blair.

Let someone please take him out/down.


CBS has the gory details:


121 islamistic violent groups were identified worldwide.

Last year 84.000 died as victims thereof, of whom 22.000 civilians from 66 countries. A total in 2017 of 7.841 attacks, approx 21 per day. Biggest casualty would have been Syria. More than half of deaths were muzzie extremists themselves.

Most attacks were against civilians, two thirds happened in muzzie countries.

The study also identified 181 female suicide terrorists.

Source of the report is alas Institute For Global Change, led by Tony Blair, former PM of the UK, himself responsible as catalist in the creation of IS(IS) through his illegal invasion of in Irak in 2003.

This organisation has gained big donations from, amongst others, Saoedi-Arabia, the virulent promotor of wahabism, the most extremely toxic interpretation of islam, throughout the world for many decades.

The report describes Saoedi-Arabia as a victim of terrorism and Iran as an accomplice to terrorism (how wickedly perverse is this?).The report was presented to the neocon thinktank for foreign relations, according to The National.

Tony Blair points to the Iranian revolution as a cause for international terrorism.

– Ideology en het daarmee gepaard gaande geweld is decennialang toegenomen en dateert van de jaren tachtig of langer, in nauwe samenhang met de ontwikkeling van de Moslimbroederschap als mondiale beweging, de Iraanse Revolutie in 1979 en toen extremisten de heilige stad Mekka bestormden, zegt hij in zijn toespraak.


– Extremism is a worldwide growing phenomenon. It did not start with al Qaeda and won't stop with IS' defeat. It's a worldwide movement driven by a transnational religious-politic ideology, he goes onj.


-And blablabla blablabla…


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