Anonymous ID: 63dd59 Sept. 16, 2018, 1:49 p.m. No.3048899   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Free Tommy Robinson! The Brits imprisoned him for reporting on Muslim grooming gangs. See this link to understand what's happening in Britain:


White British girl held prisoner by Muslim grooming gang for 12 years and forced to have 8 abortions

By Voice of Europe — 15 September 2018


Sarah was abducted as a teen from her local Tesco’s car park and held prisoner for 12 YEARS. Repeatedly raped, beaten, forced into marriage and EIGHT forced abortions whilst police did nothing.


Police forces were more worried of being called a name, racist, than of protecting the children they pledged and promised to at their passing out ceremonies”


Sarah is a white English girl and as a shy 15-year-old was studying at college hoping to train as a midwife. Never even having had a boyfriend, she was forced to marry and was raped minutes later by a man she’d only met a half hour earlier.


Sarah was held captive and abused for 12 years whilst her family pleaded for help from police to find her.


House of Lords cross bencher Baroness Caroline Cox has taken up Sarah’s case. The Baroness describes her case as the most serious example of sex grooming yet to emerge in this country.


“I know Sarah and her family,” explains Baroness Cox. “Every sex grooming case is terrible. But the length and cruelty of her abduction make it the worst I have known.”


Sarah’s family begged police for help. They were ignored by a police force that refused to even list her as missing. Her family continued to search for her on their own after she went missing from Tesco’s. “The police kept saying leave it a few days, she’ll come back,” says her mother Janet today. “But she never did.”


Besides the rapes and beatings, Sarah fell pregnant eight times, each time she was forced to have an abortion


The Daily Mail’s article describes the entire 12 year ordeal in great detail, though they are unable to use Sarah’s real name, or identify where she was kidnapped, held or where she currently lives, for legal reasons and for her safety. She was forced to marry two different men during her time in captivity.


Sarah was seized five years before the 2010 revelations from investigations by the Daily Mail, and later by the Government, of sexual abuse of young white girls by grooming gangs.


Political correctness kept Sarah’s captors hidden and protected just as it did the decades of gangs, most often by men of Pakistani heritage, as police forces were more worried of being called a name, racist, than of protecting the children they pledged and promised to at their passing out ceremonies.


Her captors forced her to learn the Koran in Arabic and she was only allowed to speak in the Pakistani languages of Urdu and Punjabi


The grooming gang’s intent was to make Sarah completely dependent upon them. She was hidden in several different houses over the years whilst she was refused any contact with the outside world. She had no phone nor computer. She was raped and beaten whilst forced to take strong sedatives daily to keep her compliant.


Besides the rapes and beatings, Sarah fell pregnant eight times, each time she was forced to have an abortion. Five of them overseen by the same NHS doctor/hospital, the others in illegal backstreet clinics.


Her captors forced her to learn the Koran in Arabic and she was only allowed to speak in the Pakistani languages of Urdu and Punjabi. She was being held by a Muslim child rape gang.


As we learned in July’s published Whitehall-commissioned independent review, this failure to act in cases like Sarah’s was the norm. The report investigated the police and Home Office’s reaction to sex grooming in the late 1990s and well into the 2000s.


The police’s response to parents has been to relinquish responsibility for finding the children onto the parents. Parents being disregarded by police as hysterical time wasters, whilst their daughters were merely considered ‘silly girls’ who had ‘asked for it’.


In Sarah’s case, her parents and her brother searched for her, even at risk of harm, as her brother actually found the house they were keeping her. She heard him demanding to know if she was there only to be told he couldn’t enter the premises and forced to leave. She was moved after this but thankfully no harm came to her brother.


Incredulously, some of the mothers of the girls abducted by Muslim rape gangs went to gang houses to search for their daughters at their own personal risk, since police wouldn’t help. These mothers were then threatened by police with harassment offences, the July review revealed.


[more at link]