Flynn Jr aligned with Mossad, the Daily Beast and a slut like Ali Watkins [Cassandra Slutbanks] who is reported Occult following Beta Sex Kitten CIA asset
Flynn Jr aligned with Mossad, the Daily Beast and a slut like Ali Watkins [Cassandra Slutbanks] who is reported Occult following Beta Sex Kitten CIA asset
>Gotta ask why Flynn Jr. is so desperate to speak on his father's behalf. Comp'd?
Come November 4th, there will be a different set of rules for anyone who wants to engage in economic activity with the regime in #Iran. Many countries are already taking actions to leave Iran.
>Talking about Jr you miserable fuck
I believe the implication is why is Flynn Jr prattling on and on?
Gen Flynn likely has to stay mute until his case is resolved
Flynn Jr on the other hand won't shut up
>Hurricane Ike in '08.
The Anderson Cooper pic is Puerto Rico last year
Sauce in my previous post
Mossad / Infowars / Dice are trying to deflect from Stelter justifying "windgate" on the weather channel