Anonymous ID: 59b4be Sept. 16, 2018, 3:36 p.m. No.3050054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0064

Posting for thoughts and opinions.

Noticed today that I have only seen 4 aircraft in the sky today.

All 4 have been military attack helios

I believe they were Apache helicopters

Cannot confirm

All 4 craft flying north to south

3 this morning flying LOW

Fast and loud

1 about an hour ago flying higher

No airplanes

No other helios

This is abnormal as I sit about an hour and a half from one major airport

An hour from a major air base

0 civilian aircraft

0 chem trails

Clearer skies than I can recall.

Something is off.

It is almost like the airspace has been cleared.

Serene and peaceful.

Kinda spooky to be honest.