Anonymous ID: c9cda6 Sept. 16, 2018, 5:59 p.m. No.3051591   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Here is the text below. My only addition is the word [FAKE] in brackets, because in my opinion, they are FAKE MAGA. I recall Cerno saying shortly after the 2016 election that "the MAGA movement transcends TRUMP" and that DJT didn't represent "the MAGA movement." This was easier to swallow early on because it appeared that TRUMP was being overwhelmed and redirected by the DEEP STATE, but now Cerno's antiTRUMPbrandGOP rhetoric is much more obvious and transparent. The same goes for AJ turning on TRUMP back in April and more recently claiming that he has inside knowledge that TRUMP is NOT planning to run in 2020. The same goes for Roger Stone who before Bannon was ousted claimed that he was already writing a book on how TRUMP lost the presidency. They function essentially as the covert right hand of the SOROS divide and conquer America strategy.


These [FAKE] “Trump supporters” have two glaring things in common:


  1. They hate Q

  2. They hate Sessions


What does this tell us?


You could make the argument that it’s simply a coincidence. It’s an organic reaction to the President’s tweets about Sessions and that the anonymous nature of Q inherently draws scrutiny. Here’s why I don’t buy that.


  1. First, these and other associated accounts dedicate a suspicious amount of content to both subjects. Beyond that, much of it is the exact same content. They consistently retweet one another each day, especially if it’s anti-Sessions or anti-Q.


  1. It reeks of coordinated messaging. Messaging, for those who don’t know, is essentially drafting a list of key talking points for an organization and its associates to disseminate on a monthly or daily basis. Why does this bother me?


  1. Inherently, it means the content isn’t organic thought. Instead, it indicates a specific agenda of a company or organization. Now, messaging isn’t a'ways a bad thing. It’s fairly common among CEOs/politicians wanting to easily remember taking points in interviews. HOWEVER…


  1. When it comes to utilizing this practice to discredit Q or Jeff Sessions, it means a person or organization has an active interest in seeing both fail, and they’re providing funding to do so. Let’s contrast this with the “Q movement.”


  1. Q supporters are the perfect embodiment of a grassroots movement. We have no one funding our message. Q is entirely anonymous. And most importantly, Q encourages us to THINK FOR OURSELVES. To do our own research, not just to rely on his message.


  1. Free thinkers are dangerous to an establishment. It eliminates an inherent need for “talking heads” like Jack Posobiec or Mike Cernovich. Which brings us to their anti-Jeff Sessions message…


  1. Why do they REALLY want him gone? My theory: their benefactor knows Jeff Sessions isn’t just going to bring a couple corrupt Dems down. Sessions is going to bring the ENTIRE CORRUPT STRUCTURE DOWN. The structures that’s kept us in the dark, and led is into war for profit.


  1. It’s a structure that’s stood for years. And it represents a lot of money to the man behind the curtain. To prevent this, they must stop Sessions. And to stop him, they must discredit Q. Because Q, in their eyes, is the Sessions torchbearer. Dismantle Q, dismantle Sessions.


  1. But this is a fallacy on their part. They’re projecting onto Q. They think we look at Q like they see themselves: information gatekeepers who simply feed opinion to followers that lap it up and digest it as gospel. But, as I said before, this isn’t the case…


  1. Q has stirred an awakening in the masses. We look at information for ourselves and draw our own conclusions. And because of this, it’s clear that the Sessions/Trump spat is kabuki. It has to be this way because of the powerful elite who would stop it if it were public.


  1. Which brings me back to the first point. This coordinated attack on Q and Sessions is a subversive effort by shadow elite who see the writing on the wall. Q and Sessions are crashing their decades long party of divide and conquer. But they will fail…


  1. Because unlike them, Q supporters are average people like you and me. We’re an organic movement, driven by our beliefs, not a paycheck. We’re rich, poor, middle class, upper class, old, young, black, white. What does that represent?


  1. UNITY.


What a scary prospect this must be.

