Anonymous ID: 02f870 Sept. 16, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.3052445   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3051409 (pb)


How shills shill

< QskepticAnon here.

> Namefagging

> Planting the seed of doubt.


< I was a believer from Tampa until the parade incident, but I'm back on the fence now.

> The fact that op has any history with Q is irrelevant

> As is geographical location

> "I'm from Tampa, I'm just like you."

> Tactic used is to gain favorability with anons

> I was one of you but now I'm not

> Reinforces the overall idea that is ok to have doubt

> Doubt leads to fear

> fear leads to defeat.


<I still follow every day out of curiosity, entertainment, and because you guys are on the same side as me.

> Lighthearted in attempt to lower your defense.

> Treating this like it's a game.

> Attempts to bring (You) into alignment ideologically.

> Reinforces doubt in previous statement.


< However, the veracity and shear desperation of the attacks on this board makes me think that someone or a group is very concerned about Q. They do not believe Q is a larp, or they wouldn't put so much effort into this.

> Attempt to reinforce the ideological alignment.

> Putting distance between (((them))) and OP

> Condemning attacks to set up next attack.


< Of course, they might be so altruistic that they would dedicate most of their waking hours yelling at you to abandon Q out of their concern. Not probable.

> Can't go full out on shills

> Same reason the Devil can't deny God

> Attempting to sarcastically imply that there is a possibility that (you) are wrong about (((them)))).

> Remember that doubt OP has been building on?

> Abandon Q?

> Member that doubt?

> This is the final blow.


< Ironically, their shilling has made me reconsider Q.

> Final attempt to align your thought.

> Get on the same side.


< Regardless of larp or not, wwg1wwga.

> More doubt

> A giant FUCK YOU but "with all due respect"

God bless all you faggots!


Overall shill rating:

> pic related