Anonymous ID: 0c6efe Sept. 16, 2018, 8:27 p.m. No.3053381   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>3052382 (lb)

>>3052473 (lb)

>Drop them all off in Haiti ?


Your ignorance is understandable, but no longer acceptable...


Seeing Haiti as the "shit hole" that it is, is a rational perspective to have by anyone (including blacks) raised in America with our compulsory public schooling and being spoon fed by the corporate MSM. But the real question we all should be asking is Why?


Child Trafficking aside...


Did you know that Haiti was the first slave colony to rise up against colonialism to become a Free State?


Did you know that they were forced to pay billions in lost profits for this act of courage?


Did you know that Haitian soldiers fought along side Patriots in the American Revolution?


Did you know that after the 2010 earthquake, not only did the Clinton Crime Syndicate divert billions in humanitarian aid into their own coffers without so much as providing clean water and sanitation, they effectively destroyed Haiti's multi-generational self sufficient rice farming based economy by flooding the market with free rice grown by American farmers who were subsidized by your tax dollars?


If that were NOT bad enough, did you know that the Globalists sent in UN "Peace Keeping" troops who were infected with cholera to dump their sewage into the main river upstream of the most populated areas resulting in the unnecessary infection of 600,000 and the death of 10,000 Haitian children?


So, yeah, Haiti is a "shit hole", but it is NOT by their own doing. And with good reason, most of them DO NOT WANT OUR AID. Like MOST of us here in "Fly Over" country, they just want to be left the FUCK alone!


So, have a little RESPECT for your fellow MAN, WOMAN, & CHILD in Haiti, because if we lose the midterms, Karma is a BITCH!