Anonymous ID: e941f4 Sept. 16, 2018, 8:11 p.m. No.3053195   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Bread #3862)



People are acculturated to do what's expected of them. Whatever the culture presents through its adult members as necessary information to learn, and in functioning cultures essential to know for survival, the pressure will push that to happen, farming, chasing an education, or helping with the family business. Life deals and groups can be wonky without external sabotage, but if a group of people are concerned about their children's education and free to address that concern, they will organize somehow and find ways to teach their children.


The problems occur when strangers to the community come in and undermine that organic arrangement and manipulate the group to position themselves as in control and dictating what's appropriate, which, of course, is appropriate to their own ultimate self-serving goals. You can call it Communism or Socialism, but it isn't, that's just the wedge to get in and take over, it's slavery introduced by insensible degrees.


When generations are brainwashed from birth and locked down so that they have no say over their own lives, they lose the spark to direct those lives in meaningful ways. When people like this are finally freed, they are going to make a lot of mistakes, they don't have any frames of reference, let alone being burdened by their poor self esteem from a life of being sidelined.


I belonged to a co-op store that was being managed from the top down by the owner who had opened it to membership. At weekly meetings he would shoot down other people's ideas. I finally piped up and made some comments. Other people then felt free to expect to make decisions. They were not necessarily always effective in their first efforts, but to my mind it didn't matter because this guy had hornswoggled a bunch of people into paying his old outstanding bills come to find out, and beyond that I don't know where it all went because I moved on. Life can be brutal when you make your first mistakes as an adult instead of developing discernment in the sheltered environment of your childhood.