Anonymous ID: c9240c Sept. 16, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.3054453   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits", said Hitler… "Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party…


I am going to let you in on a secret… I am founding an Order… In my "Burgs" of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble…


Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn't say any more.."


Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig:


"Hitler m'a dit", (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).


"Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory". -Spanish dictator (Francisco Franco, Knight of the Order of Christ) published on the 3rd of May 1945, the day of Hitler's death. ("Reforme", 21st of July 1945.)

Anonymous ID: c9240c Sept. 16, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.3054518   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In Carthage, the Canaanites called themselves Punics.

Rome attacked Carthage in full force, beginning in 264BC and completed their task after killing or enslaving every Carthaginian, by sowing the land to salt so that nothing could ever grow there again.


The Edomites descended from Esau later intermarried with the Turks to produce a Turco-Edomite mixture which later became known as Chazars (Khazars) - who are the present occupants of Israel. These Canaanites eventually adopted the name "Sepharvaim" for deceptive purposes. They later became known as Venetians, and by marrying into European royalty and aristocracy, the "black nobility."


The Venetians today control the Federal Reserve system in the US.


Around AD1400, European power centers coalesced into two camps:

the Ghibellines, who supported the Emperors Hohenstaufen family

the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire

The Pope allied himself with the Guelphs. All modern history stems directly from the struggle between these two powers.

Anonymous ID: c9240c Sept. 16, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.3054534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Guelphs are also called the Neri, Black Guelphs, or Black Nobility, and supported William of Orange in his seizure of the throne of England, which eventually resulted in the formation of the Bank of England and the East India Company, which would rule the world from the 17th century. All coup d’etats, revolutions and wars in the 19th and 20th centuries are centered in the battle of the Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the New World Order of the British Empire.


The power of the Guelphs would extend through the Italian financial centers to the north of France in Lombardy (all Italian bankers were referred to as "Lombards"). Lombard in German means "deposit bank", and the Lombards were bankers to the entire Medieval world. They would later transfer operations north to Hamburg, then to Amsterdam and finally to London.

The Guelphs would start the slave trade to the colonies. The Guelphs, in order to aid their control of finance and politics, would perpetuate gnostic cults which eventually developed into the Rosicrucians, Unitarians, Fabian Society and the World Council of Churches. The East India company, together with John Stuart Mill, would finance the University of London.

A friend of Mill, historian George Grote, a founder of London University donated £6000 for the study of "mental health", which began the worldwide "mental health" movement.

Anonymous ID: c9240c Sept. 16, 2018, 10:50 p.m. No.3054554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4558 >>5082

Banks large and small in the thousands are in the Committee of 300 network, including:

Banca Commerciale d’Italia

Banca Privata

Banco Ambrosiano

The Netherlands Bank

Barclays Bank

Banco de Colombia

Banco de Ibero-America

Of special interest is Banca del la Svizzeria Italiana (BSI) - since it handles flight capital investments to and from the United States - primarily in dollars and US bonds - located and isolated in "neutral" Lugano, the flight capital center for the Venetian Black Nobility.

Lugano is not in Italy or in Switzerland, and is a kind of twilight zone for shady flight capital operations. George Ball, who owns a large block of stock in BSI, is a prominent "insider" and the bank’s US representative.


In the secret 1822 Treaty of Verona (between Austria, France, Prussia and Russia) the Jesuits agreed to smash the US Constitution and suppress the freedom of the US. Their methods included destroying free speech, destroying and suppressing the press, universal censorship, sustaining the cooperation of the Pope and clergy to use religion to help keep nations in passive obedience and financing wars against countries with representative governments.


The monarchs who signed this treaty were ultimately deposed. Most of these families are very wealthy and may be more powerful today than when they sat upon thrones. They are known collectively as the Black Nobility. Privately these families refuse to recognize any right to rule except their own.


The fact that this treaty was made long ago does not mean it is void. The treaty was placed in the Congressional Record on April 25, 1916 by Senator Owen.

Anonymous ID: c9240c Sept. 16, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.3054567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In 1948 George H.W. Bush graduated from Yale University and the Skull and Bones. He is a distant cousin of the Queen of England, part of the Black Nobility which traces its power back 5,000 years.


Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands created a group that became known as the Bilderbergers. Many "conservative" researchers have come to recognize the Bilderbergers as an important force for the "New World Order."


(Note: Since the Bildebergers, according to former British Intelligence agent John Coleman, serve as a BINDING force between the three major ’one world government’ forces - the Wicca-Masons (i.e. Communism); the Black Nobility descendants of the early Roman emperors; and the Maltese Jesuits… each of which have 13 respective representatives on the 39-member Bildeberger board - and since a Nazi SS stormtrooper was responsible for developing this "New World Order" coordination council, and since Adolph Hitler’s second book was titled [believe it or not] "The New World Order." No wonder Adolph Hitler’s dream - and that of his predecessors the "Kaisers", a German translation of "Caesars" - was the revival of the Roman empire).


According to former British Intelligence agent Dr. John Coleman, the three world power groups: the Wicca-Masons (i.e. Communism), the Maltese-Jesuits and the Black-Nobility (’Black’ in this context refers to their character, not their skin color) all work for and under the central Command of the Bavarian Illuminati which binds them together.


The Bavarians created the Bilderberg society for this purpose, the core of which is a council of 13 members from each of the three ’groups’ or 39 in all.

Anonymous ID: c9240c Sept. 16, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.3054587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The old-line ruling families who believe that they have the right to rule the world because they are descended from the emperors of the ancient Roman and so-called ’holy’ Roman Empires consist of 13-15 ’blue blood’ families.

Which include:
















Others that have not been mentioned are more ’powerful’ than others.

But these names will get you started if you wish to track down the present-day inner core of the conspiracy. The history of the Bilderberg group itself, a cover for the Bavarian Illuminati, and its Nazi connections, would probably be the best place to start.

Anonymous ID: c9240c Sept. 16, 2018, 11:01 p.m. No.3054607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prominent on the board of two insurance giants are Committee of 300 members:

the Giustiniani family, Black Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justianian

Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant) Bank

Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whose lineage dates back six centuries to the most ancient Luzzatos, the Black Nobility of Venice

Umberto Ortolani of the ancient Black Nobility family of the same name


Other old Venetian Black Nobility Committee of 300 members and board members of ASG and RAS are:

the Doria family, the financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs

Elie de Rothschild of the French Rothschild family

Baron August von Finck (Finck, the second richest man in Germany now deceased)

Franco Orsini Bonacassi of the ancient Orsini Black Nobility that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name

the Alba family whose lineage dates back to the great Duke of Alba

Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family

Italy was chosen as a test-target by the Committee of 300.

Italy is important to the conspirators’ plans because it is the closest European country to the Middle East, and linked to Middle East economics and politics. It is also the home of the Catholic Church, which Weishaupt ordered destroyed, and home for some of Europe’s most powerful oligarchical families of the ancient Black Nobility.

Anonymous ID: c9240c Sept. 16, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.3054624   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Should Italy have been weakened by Aldo Moro’s death, it would have had repercussions in the Middle East which would have weakened US influence in the region. Italy is important for another reason; it is a gateway for drugs entering Europe from Iran and Lebanon.


Various groups combined under the name of socialism to bring about the downfall of several Italian governments since the Club of Rome was established in 1968. Among these are the Black Nobility of Venice and Genoa, P2 Masonry and the Red Brigades, all working for the same goals. Police investigators in Rome working on the Red Brigades-Aldo Moro case came across the names of several very prominent Italian families working closely with this terrorist group.


The police also discovered evidence that in at least a dozen cases, these powerful and prominent families had allowed their homes and/or property to be used as safe houses for Red Brigades cells.


Peccei headed the Atlantic Institute’s Economic Council for three decades while he was the Chief Executive Officer for Giovanni Agnellis’ Fiat Motor Company. Agnelli, a member of an ancient Italian Black Nobility family of the same name, was one of the most important members of the Committee of 300. He played a leading role in development projects in the Soviet Union.


The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization, a marriage between Anglo-American financiers and the old Black Nobility families of Europe, particularly the so-called "nobility" of London, Venice and Genoa.


The key to the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage savage economic recessions and eventual depressions.

Anonymous ID: c9240c Sept. 16, 2018, 11:06 p.m. No.3054640   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Committee of 300 looks to social convulsions on a global scale, followed by depressions, as a softening-up technique for bigger things to come, as its principal method of creating masses of people all over the world who will become its "welfare" recipients of the future.


To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which includes rock "music" gangsters such as the filthy, degenerate Mick Jagger’s "Rolling Stones" (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility) and all of the Tavistock-created "rock" groups which began with "The Beatles."


To continue to build up the cult of Christian fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company’s servant, Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist state of Israel through identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God’s Chosen People" and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.


Brzezinski was not writing as a private citizen but as Carter’s National Security Advisor and a leading member of the Club of Rome and a member of the Committee of 300, a member of the CFR and as a member of the old Polish Black Nobility. His book explains how America must leave its industrial base behind and enter into what he called "a distinct new historical era."


In this regard a French Black Nobility member, Etienne D’Avignon, as a member of the Committee of 300, was assigned the task of collapsing the steel industry in the US. It is doubtful that any of the hundreds of thousands of steel workers and shipyard workers who have been without jobs for the past decade have ever heard of D’Avignon.


A second assassination bureau is located in Switzerland and was until recently run by a shadowy figure of whom no photographs existed after 1941. The operations were and probably still are financed by the Oltramaire family - Swiss Black Nobility, owners of the Lombard Odier Bank of Geneva, a Committee of 300 operation.

Anonymous ID: c9240c Sept. 16, 2018, 11:08 p.m. No.3054653   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The primary contact man was Jacques Soustelle - this according to US Army-G2 intelligence files. This group was also closely allied with Allen Dulles and Jean de Menil, an important member of the Committee of 300 and a very prominent name in the oil industry in Texas.

Army-G2 records show that the group was heavily involved in the arms trade in the Middle East, but more than that, the assassination bureau made no less than 30 attempts to kill General de Gaulle, in which Jacques Soustelle was directly involved.


The same Soustelle was the contact man for the Sendero Luminoso-Shining Pathway guerilla group protecting the Committee’s Peruvian cocaine producers.


Richard Gardner was sent to Rome on a special assignment. Gardner married into one of the oldest Black Nobility families of Venice, thus providing the Venetian aristocracy a direct line to the White House. The late Averill Harriman was another of the committee’s direct links with the Kremlin and the White House, a position inherited by Kissinger after Harriman’s death.


In 1986 in "The Order of St. John of Jerusalem" Dr. Coleman wrote:

"It is therefore not a secret society, except where its purposes have been perverted in the inner councils like the Order of the Garter, which is a prostituted oligarchical creation of the British royal family, which makes a mockery of what the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem stands for.


As an example, we find the atheist Lord Peter Carrington, who pretends to be an Anglican Christian but who is a member of the Order of Osiris and other demonic sects, including Freemasonry, installed as a Knight of the Garter at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England, of the Black Nobility Guelphs, also head of the Anglican Church, which she thoroughly despises."

$15.8 billion is one realistic estimate of the Queen’s worth - tax exempt - BOE.

"Only the little people pay taxes."

Leona Helmsly