Secret code of the shoes - from a German child that got abused heavily:
By the colors of our shoes, customers should recognize what attributes we have been assigned.
Golden shoes "virgin, especially cute, slim, girly",
blue shoes stand for "blue-white", also sexually expirencened and submissive and petite.
Red shoes: tight build, you can do everthing but child is still a bit recalcitrant.
Gray shoes means: This child is already mentally broken, you can do anything, will not fight back no matter what happens.
The brand of our shoes had a meaning too.
Boy with Chucks: he was allowed for anal penetration, also used "caviar & pee" (Obfuscation by feces and urine).
They used a child choir as cover.
I had to wear red chucks with shoelaces,
the chucks of my fellow singers were gray - they were considered willing to what ever the adult wanted.