Sounds right as rain to me. As antsy as we are to see justice doled out en-masse to these wretched subversives, the public isn't awake enough (although they're certainly getting there.)
If thr justice system starts slaying the sacred cows of the progressives/democrats, Hollywood, big tech, etc., we'll have a lot of already borderline psychopathic liberal citizens raising hell in a last-ditch attempt to hold onto their Stockholm Syndrome with these elite crooks. As bad as it is that they're this brainwashed from social conditioning, they're (mostly) innocent of wrongdoing outside of being motivated/provoked into ANTIFA-style idiocy. And I'm sure many if us have family and friends who fall into that category.
That's why things need to be a slow drip from bottom to top, though I imagine as we get higher and higher up the satanic pyramid scheme with the arrests and indictments, it will only go faster as the public comes to terms that these monsters fully deserve what's coming to them. There'll be growing pains (The 4-6% who will never accept it all) but it's a small price to pay. Once they see the USA (and the rest of the world) enter a golden age, maybe they'll come around. Maybe.