Just a update on taking Colloidal Silver and Serrapeptase. If you have any chronic bacterial, fungal or viral issues you should be aware the medical industry is not really trying to help you. I have had major improvements in Chronic Prostatitis that never was improved with anti biotics. Serrapeptase did perhaps even more to the Prostatitis than the Silver because the Serrapeptase breaks down Biofilm that the bacteria uses to attach itself to your bodies cell walls.
Many many things can be helped by these two OVER THE COUNTER medicines and I dont have to expain to you anons that the fact you may not have heard about them is NO ACCIDENT.
Check into it yourself. Beware the information on line has false claims that Colloidal Silver will turn your skin blue. The corrupt medical industry has reasons to lie to you because the Colloidal Silver might ruin the Antibiotic industry. Remember that big pharma does not make money off you by curing you of anything. They make money by you needing a medicine for a long long time so they can constantly sell it. The medical industry is a fraud in lots of respects.
I feel the need to tell you all about this because BOTH medicines were told to me about on this website. Qresearch. Some anon took their time to tell me and I tried both. Both can be found pretty much anywhere these things are sold.
Personally I am taking Sovereign silver but I must say I have tired no other and cant say it works better or worse….it however really does work.
Do your own research but remember people do have reasons to lie to you on the internet about it. Good luck.
WWG1WGA!!! Fuck the criminal big pharma. Crooks all of them.