Kennedy left because he didn't have a choice. RBG will be leaving, also, because she won't have a choice. RBG because of the Lynch promise. Kennedy, not really sure about that one. I don't think Q's ever clarified that statements.
Multiple meanings exist, and I still think Q's post is in reference to 2 letters to ALL of the Supreme Court, but reading it from a different perspective does seem to lead you down the path that 2 justices are going to get shit-canned as a result (Kennedy being one of the 2).
>His choice?
>Remember, Kennedy was the swing vote.
>No more.
No more court fuckery and mistranslation of the Constitution.
>Locked & Loaded.
>RBG next.
There ya have it.
The other way to read Q's post, of course is:
2 letters to the Supreme Court. The letters are classified, of course, implicating recusal/unrecusal procedures for the AG, with probably some mirror reference to some dirt on these 2 justices as an EXAMPLE.
Nicely done, anon!!!