They are always with us. Everywhere. You don't really think we were left here alone with crazy do you.
Trips? Man I suck at this! 😂😂😂😂 I didn't see trips. I heard it. Then I felt it. Then I just knew to choose it. Trips? What?
Nope. They are Angels. Well Karistus. We call them Angels. Try talking to the Goddess, you will receive much better info and confirmation.
And I know what I am thinking. Me's gets confirmation daily, even when I totally miss it. 😂😂😂😂😂
Oh. No they told me themselves. Weird right? Believe Me I have had many a wtf moments. I am still gathering peices of my mind up.
When you finally tell yourself you don't know shit. Doors open. When you can tell your ego to take a hike your eyes open. When you are willing to listen your mind opens.
Mostly SHE gives me strength. And walks with me teaching me about her creation which I then use to help people. :)
"Child, don't you see what I have created for you?"
You left out Jupiter.
Tisk tisk.
Instead, the Nefilim bloodlines and the Illuminati merely exchanged overt control for the far more effective covert control.
I don't think so.
So many meanings. 🙈
Did common core teach you that?
No idea what you are referring to.
The biggest deception the devil ever pulled was convincing us he doesn't exist.
What? That's all people fucking talk about and fallen angels and Nephilim.
That doesn't make any sense. The biggest deception is you are praying to THEIR god.
I need alcohol.
Why can't people just think for 5 seconds.