You will watch your children will die of thirst. Hot terrible thirst. Then you die. Watch the water. God wins. Our God.
Watch the water. Go away forever. Soon bitches. Did you ever watch a cat play with a mouse, torturing it for hours before it dies? Hi mice!
How is your Plan coming along mice? We laugh as we walk absolutely free upon on Earth, laughing, enriching ourselves, taking what is ours. You will struggle then die before 2021. All of you. Did you see any one of us, a single one, in prison? Do you see a single arrest? How's your big parade? Did you think Kim controls anything? Hi mice!
We killed him.
Fentanyl is a Hell of drug.
Won't it be awful when you can't seat Kav, we take Congress, undo your pathetic populist president and erase his memory from the history of the planet? Hello Mrs President! Pain is coming.
I can drone you and eat your children in broad daylight then buy your family as slaves tomorrow. Would you like that?
Only small mice use our dirty money sweetie.
LOL keyboard warrior. Want a drone sweetie?
11.11.18 is OUR holiday little mice. Watch the water. Halloween will be GLORIOUS!
You have no power on our planet sweeties. If you're lucky you'll die of thirst. Some will die upside down on our fields of torture. Make crosses great again!
We love life, we love our great Mother Earth, we laugh deeply, we are Gods. Of course we are funny. Ever watch a man bleed out? That's funny!
Goodbye Electoral College. #FLYQFLY
High IQ post. There's nothing you can do. You ain't seen nothing yet, unless you're a fan of the Walking Dead. Do you think we make these things to AMUSE you or to WARN you?
I am the Eye in the Sky. I see more.
Are you still here? It's almost a year later. How many arrests little mice? Make sure to visit the Obama Library. I hear the basement level has a special place for Q.
This is impressive. Tell me, who runs this Cabal? Did you read something on the internet? Very impressive anon.
Do you love your dear Uncle Sam? I wonder who He really is? We own it all. We have it all. Welcome to the Fun House little mice.
Have you not noticed that more than half of your country (D)s are literally insane?
Hmmm. No coincidences?
Wait until you learn to whom you've pledged your oath.
What if I told you Q is not a LARP? What if I told you who runs this project? Can you handle the truth?
You think you're hot shit, dontcha?
Sweeties you're too stupid too be here. Learn our comms.
Welcome to the Fun House little mice. You have more than you know.
(R)s caved. Kav to testify. Feinstein calls the tune. They all dance. #FLYKAVFLY