Tfw muh dick guy actually has a good meme
You know what fuck im,gonna laugh when they hang her
Because thats not how it works
There are no countries anymore
Just groups
Like the illuminati cfr etc
Rich families
For now that is
What do we do about these people
Theyre more victims than villans
Even if theyve done some awful shit
"And this was when they mass posted gay porn and gore" "and this is muh dick guy"
Yeah thats true but if you were a 5 year old child and got kidnapped beaten raped and forced to do even worse how would you turn out ?
Im not saying they should get a free pass but thats horrible
Give it like a week or 2
Hey donald,weve always been friends want to run as my,plant"
" oh sure hillary i will"
If only she knew then lolll