Anonymous ID: 646674 Sept. 18, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.3076706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6783

>Internet’s darkest corners


Funny how this dark corner is spreading so much light on the darkest corners of our corrupt media, isn't it?

Anonymous ID: 646674 Sept. 18, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.3077261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3075834 (PB) Lawfag thoughts


I'm no lawfag, but this seems very logical to me. Here's how I see the state of our union:

1) One or more FISC judges (who are appointed by the SC chief justice directly) has been rubber-stamping approval of secret FISA warrants against targets inside of a presidential campaign and subsequently the administration of our duly elected US President.

2) The applications for these warrants (which contain fabricated evidence, paid for by the opposing party) were signed by senior members of the DOJ/FBI from the outgoing administration, who also happened to be members of the opposing party.

3) Without even a hearing, this approval was granted during the presidential campaign for the purpose of preventing one candidate from being elected and once elected, from taking office.

4) Once in office, renewals for continued secret surveillance were subsequently granted by FISC in attempt to sabotage the administration of this duly elected president.


5) Conspiring with the senior members of the FBI/DOJ were senior members of the CIA, DNI, the opposing political party, the opposing campaign, and a cabal of complicit corporate media giants.


Is that about right? Sounds like uncharted territory if you ask me, and since SC is directly responsible for this secret court, yeah I think these are some extraordinary circumstances.


Pic-related - Snippet from Wikipedia & The Guardian regarding oversight of FISC