Anonymous ID: 710ebe Sept. 18, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.3077145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7170 >>7199 >>7215 >>7217 >>7245 >>7276 >>7294 >>7305 >>7314

Notice after the AF1 pic was called out as bullshit, Q hasn't posted a proof since. And the Marine One proofs promised never came. June ETA for Seth Rich came and went, as did July- "The month the world learns the TRUTH!" The latest declassification wont change anyone's mind. Old shit the right knew years ago and was talking about during the election. The media will bury it, and the leftists will ignore it. Kavanaugh's confirmation is imperiled because of a 4 decade old allegation that Kavenaugh unsuccessfully tried to force himself on another high schooler. Tech is censoring conservatives left and right. Supposedly we "have it all," and yet not a single big name journalist outside of FOX can be leveraged to talk about Trump's successes, Keith Ellison's woman beating, or the economy. Does this look like "total control" to you? Did Kerry wear his ankle bracelet to go talk to the Mullahs in Iran? When you guys realize this is a psyop? It will be exposed as such shortly before the mid-terms, disillusioning many of you and suppressing turnout. At the same time it will make Trump supporters look like fools to independents. All of this "waking the people up" theory has been shown to be bullshit. No one has switched sides, and Trumps approval ratings have remained virtually unchanged since the election. You guys are being had big time. Trump was content to let the Q thing play for a while as harmless fun for his most diehard supporters, keeping them interested. Now that it has become big and full of bullshit he cant stop it because he is afraid of losing the Q vote. It was a brilliant psyop. Come back to reality, grow up, and support your president in the real world. Stop this kiddie bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 710ebe Sept. 18, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.3077223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7440


Why do you guys never even attempt a counterargument? I would hear you out. You simply don't have one. Seriously. Think about what it means that you can't argue the facts. We are not "watching a movie." This is the real world. Real battles need to be fought. Living in a fantasy is not helpful for the cause.

Anonymous ID: 710ebe Sept. 18, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.3077328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425


They are adults though. I always thought fantasy life was for leftists. What I really don't understand is why they can't step back and see the big picture. Why they can't look at the results of their precious Q. What has Q accomplished? He has kept part of the base apathetic and inactive, and will then pull the rug out right before the midterms. The justification I see here is that it "wakes the people up" "we are waking up the normies." Really? Than why is Trump's approval rating staying the same? Not just based on numbers from CNN, but on the same polls that accurately predicted an essentially numerical tie during the election? If the purpose of Q is what the anons here say it is, it has failed. But that is not the purpose. The purpose is to sow disillusionment among the base, and mockery among the general populace. In that purpose it is succeeding. I just don't get it.

Anonymous ID: 710ebe Sept. 18, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.3077405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7423



Because I care about the movement and the midterms. It is not helpful to have a huge part of the base still judging trump's presidency on whether or not Hillary or Obama go to jail. What will happen to Trump's support here when that doesn't happen? I also believe that some of the Q crowd would otherwise be out on the socials, or even in their community, publicly supporting this presidency and fighting back if they weren't here idling away, "trusting the plan." That's why I care. And I'm not sure what the transformer station thing means. I think I do, but I wont speculate.