Anonymous ID: 0f00d4 Sept. 18, 2018, 3:10 p.m. No.3077684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7822

>>3077383 lb


It's not hard to get a clear answer out of this place bitch


it takes TIME bitch


We are a morass. Lots of people are coming and going at any one time. This is the home of the HIVE MIND.


Most of us are unpaid. Many of us are paid by Uncle Sam, so we have PLENTY of time to watch the board for bitches like you who can't or won't get paid for watching the board LONG ENOUGH to get a real answer out of this place. If you come in here with a liberal mindset, you will get your liberal mindset reinforced.


If you come in here with a conservative mindset, you will get your conservative mindset reinforced.


If you come in here with an open mind, you will soon learn that the holocaust was fake and that Jews run the world, and that all the famous people on nationwide TV eat babies and fuck each other in the ass.


If you believe this or if you don't, you don't even look like the type that will make it very far in MSM. You got your name out there just so that you could get chewed up and spit out by the anons and your bosses at WaPo. The world is a brutal place, and I feel sorry for anyone who is more than what I am, a simple fellow slaving away in a small town.


I see your teeth are fucked up. I'm going to do you a favor here- you didn't get good nutrition growing up at all, that much is obvious. May I suggest looking up Dr. Weston Price and his studies on the jaws of healthy people?