i was insta banned from everything the second i made an account
i actually managed to make another twitter account
and im not banned yet outside of a 12 hour for making fun of stallwell
i was insta banned from everything the second i made an account
i actually managed to make another twitter account
and im not banned yet outside of a 12 hour for making fun of stallwell
think about the stuff we know
thats basically public knowledge
human leather shoes etc
now imagine thats part of the 40%
what is the 60%
you probably dont wanna know
i support full disclosure but if its the methods of control that these people used some asshole can find it out 300 years from now
and do it again
never again
what a giant coincidence
at some point you have to wonder whos really in control here
cough GOD
i can smell the fear
>be me
>be cabal
>decide we can win against god who we are literally a part of and created by
>think we have the backing of fallen angels
>god decides fallen angels dont even exist anymore
>cabal gets btfo
how stupid do you have to be to go to war against the creator of literally everything